Monday, March 6, 2017

The REAL climate change deniers

I am a physics and chemistry teacher. (Crass appeal to authority!) What most people don't understand is that humankind contributes only 5% to the total global CO2 picture. In other words, take away humans (and all their cows, cars, etc.) and 95% of all CO2 in our atmosphere would continue to be produced naturally.

They also don't understand that CO2 is a "trace" gas. Only about 4 out of every 10,000 "air" molecules are CO2 molecules. Yet those 4 molecules are responsible for virtually all life on earth. Without them, there would be no vegetation, hence no animal life, hence no us. More CO2 is good for us! Less? Disastrous! There have been epochs of earth's history when the CO2 content of our atmosphere was hundreds of times higher than it is now. (But never much lower.) And life was good back then! Taking CO2 out of the atmosphere wouldn't just be silly and wasteful. It would be deadly for us.

The Sun is the Earth's great "thermostat". (Duh!) When the oceans heat up (by the Sun), they release dissolved (absorbed) CO2 gas (and water vapor) into the atmosphere. The net effect is cooling, reflecting more light back into space. When the oceans cool, they absorb (trap) more CO2 gas (and water). The net effect is to allow more solar radiation to reach the Earth's surface, warming it up.

Positively divine.

Water vapor carries eight times more thermal energy, per molecule, than CO2 does. And there is hundreds of times more water vapor in the atmosphere than there is CO2. Consequently, CO2's "contribution" to "greenhouse gas" is miniscule compared to water.

Yet no one is suggesting we get rid of the water in the atmosphere! That would be preposterous! (Getting rid of the little CO2 we have is even more preposterous!)

Fools manipulate public opinion for their own nefarious purposes as ancient priests manipulated the people by their knowledge of solar eclipses. Only, today, our political / scientific "fools" know even less about Earth's workings than a lowly high school science teacher. 

Al Gore got a "D" in physical science in college. He couldn't be more ignorant about how the world actually "works". His vaunted "knowledge" is fictional. He has learned to say only the lines he needs to say to trick you into thinking he knows anything about what he's talking. His "An Inconvenient Truth" was an artful deception. Too bad. There are many better (counter) arguments.

But few will encounter them...because the profit from being a global warming "prophet" is just too tantalizing.

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