Has any U.S. president ever assembled such a cabal of n'er-do-wells, tax cheats, terrorist sympathizers, race-baiting/class-dividing hypocrites and anti-Christian "humanist" crusaders as has Obama? Has any president ever done more to dismantle our American, constitutional way of life?
Obama is the ultimate "community organizer" (aka "revolutionary"). He uses the strategies outlined in "Rules for Radicals", a tome written by Obama's mentor, Saul Alinsky, who dedicated the book to no less than Lucifer himself.
Got that?
I've seen ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in Obama's character or accomplishments that could even remotely be characterized as "Christian" -- or even moral. (As an Illinois state senator, the guy voted -- twice! -- to deny life-saving health care to babies born alive after botched abortions!) Yet this man, by most accounts, still walks on water in the eyes of the news media and his sycophantic supporters (pardon the redundancy).
During the last century, a cast of evil "messianic" characters installed themselves and their cronies in power by utilizing the strategies now employed by Obama and his ilk. Promising "utopia", they delivered tyranny by suppressing dissension, confiscating wealth, limiting rights and subverting laws to further their ends. They rammed their agenda through before the people had time to organize or react. They almost invariably became murderous regimes: Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot.
Now our Democrat "leaders" decry those who protest against Obama's whirl-wind "revolution" by calling these protestors "un-American", "Nazis", "members of the clan", "racists", "evil-mongers", etc. Obama runs totally scripted "townhall" meetings wherein he plants questions and spouts his propaganda unopposed. However, if he truly desired a dialogue, wouldn't he invite the likes of Newt Gingrich to join him on stage to take questions, allowing Gingrich the opportunity to respond with alternative points of view (if any, just like a debate) so that the American people would have the chance to decide which ideas were best?
Of course he wouldn't. Obama doesn't want debate. He wants his opposition to shut up! He knows his arguments for socializing America would be destroyed by facts, history and logic -- if the American people were ever exposed to them.
So everything he does must be done through the "back door": secretly, unilaterally, quickly. No one must be given time to read, or even consider, 1000+ paged bills before they are voted on by Congress. We have seen this time and time again with his administration.
I'm not going to do your homework for you. The evidence is overwhelming. Those who still support Obama's work of nationalizing our auto industry, banking, energy and health care -- in less than seven months! -- are surely blind to the unconstitutional means by which these feats are being accomplished.
I challenge ANYONE to name even one thing Obama has done (or is doing) that is in full compliance with the Constitution. The American people can't even point to a single piece of evidence that incontestably proves Obama to be a natural-born American citizen, let alone cite any constitutional authorization for the multitudinous revolutionary efforts he is making!
America will rue the day it disregarded the U.S. Constitution and placed this man in the Oval Office. He will leave a permanent stain upon the presidency. If not found to be the first "unconstitutionally elected" president, he will certainly be the most "un-American".
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