Saturday, April 17, 2010
No Thanks
We spend over 700 billion dollars per year (almost HALF of what the ENTIRE WORLD spends) marshaling troops in 130+ countries. We (currently) have the most powerful, technologically sophisticated weapons and highly trained military force on the planet. We think we can do ANYTHING we want, militarily -- even "establish democracy" in other lands (by subjugating other people), if we will.
I call this hubris. I call this imperialism. I call this vain ambition.
George Washington warned us AGAINST "standing armies". While ours is made of volunteers, it nevertheless "stands" to fight other men's wars, NOT OUR OWN!
Can you tell me why we're currently in Iraq? Afghanistan? A hundred other places?
I can.
We fight these wars to expend munitions (that must be replaced), to improve lethal technology, to "feed" the military/industrial complex, to increase the power of the state, to maintain a compliant/subservient population willing to offer up their sons and daughters as "sacrifice", even while "giving thanks" for the opportunity to PAY hundreds of billions to prop up these corporations and power-hungry politicians, even in foreign regimes, who profiteer from deaths and destructions on BOTH sides of any conflict.
There is great money to be made in war! Randolph Bourne said: "War is the health of the state." When have we not been "at war" since Joseph Smith prophesied it would be "poured out upon all nations", beginning with the American Civil War? The Spanish-American War, World Wars I & II, Korea, Vietnam, other conflicts, Iraq I, Iraq II, Afghanistan. Not to mention the war on "terror", the war on "drugs", the war on "poverty" -- likewise expanding the "health" of the police state.
Other than WWII, have we had ANY business (other than "strictly business") being in ANY of these conflicts?
"Entangling alliances" have brought us to this place where we are sent to fight and die by our leaders for OTHERS' interests, not our own. But at OUR expense!
I served in the military. I believe military service, in self defense, is honorable. But our government has morphed into a destructive, intimidating global police presence that imposes its will on others -- and kills -- unconstitutionally. We send our sons and daughters to destroy in our name, WITHOUT declarations of war. For what purpose?
I, for one, cannot recommend that my son or daughter join the armed forces to die for an Afghani poppy grower, profiteering from the heroin trade. Why should my child die so that some global capitalist has unrestricted access to the oil fields of Iraq or Kuwait? There are FAR WORSE atrocities going on in Africa. Why aren't we "saving the world" there? BECAUSE THERE'S NO CORPORATE PROFIT IN IT! If our military efforts were purely humanitarian, we would be projecting force elsewhere.
Our military has become a great, global "strong arm" of a criminal racket, organized and controlled by oligarchs of many nations. Our military no longer serves America. It serves global interests. Our servicemen are pawns.
Don't thank them. Pity them.
I think what you're trying to say is that you love the people of this country too much to let them die in vain. Your title might make people think, as I'm sure you wanted them to, that you don't love this people and this country. On the contrary, you love them too much to see them become part of the corruption through power. You would support your son if he were in the military, yet would not support the cause to which he might be fighting for. Kind of like how you love the sinner, but no the sin. I might be rambling because it's really late and I'm really tired, but I get your point, and I agree.
ReplyDeleteJust about every politician and every voter, no matter what his opinion of any particular military conflict, always adds, "But of course I support the troops."
ReplyDeleteI don’t.
I have heard a friend say, "Just because someone lives on the same big piece of dirt I live on,
doesn't mean I have any reason to support him when he goes off to do the bidding of the tyrants." And just because someone lives outside of the imaginary line which defines "The United States" does not mean that he has fewer rights than I do, or that his rights don't matter as much. How many warrantless searches, coerced interrogations, acts of censorship, disarmament, robbery,harassment, assault, and murder are committed by "our" troops on a daily basis? Are their acts good because they were "just following orders"? (Say that with a German accent and you’ll guess where have you heard that excuse before) And should I cheer for them because they're Americans?
Not me.
But a nation of people with backbones like jellyfish will keep their bumper stickers on. But at least I doubt Will has that bumper sticker on his transportation!
I dont agree either with how our goverment is fighting for other coutries.I believe that if we get involved in a war it has to be for our own country ,and not no make allies with other countries.Like our founding fathers fighted for our freedom, to make this a land of oportunities for everyone. Sending our people,our resourses to fight other coutries wars is retarded.
ReplyDeleteI believe that insted of going to fight wars for fun we should go to Africa or India were people dont have a piece of bread to eat for weeks sometimes. If the United States stops fighting in these wars ,we can not only restore our nations crisis but we could be able to help other poor countries to make homes and jobs for them.
Excellent post, Chris! Thanks for contributing to the dialogue.