80% of New York City high school "graduates" can't read, write or count. Until recently -- before administrators learned how to "massage" the data -- 20% of all NYC students dropped out!
Public schools (particularly Democrat-controlled schools) are abject failures at educating children. Rather than end these institutions of lower learning, politicians promote and profit from them. They pour ever-more taxpayers' dollars into them, promising "improvements", while propping up crony constituencies, buying votes, and creating dependency.
Of course, I'm cherry-picking. There are public schools achieving stellar results. These schools enforce discipline, demand accountability, and strictly focus on academic fundamentals. They don't have unions. In these school, successful administrators extract the very best from their teachers for a few years, then let them go. Successful administrators intentionally burn their teachers out -- asking for their utmost -- from day one. It's all about the children.
Sports teams don't hire managers, coaches or athletes on a "tenure" basis. Each is expected to perform at the highest level and deliver -- every play, every game, every season. If they can't produce or compete, they're gone!
Our school children deserve no less.
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