Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Fence Is Defense

My boss, Principal Manuel Arredondo, recently lamented the building of walls to keep people out of the U.S.:

"Our founding fathers set up our school system to help our country preserve its ideals and its freedoms. It is ignorance which enslaves us and is the enemy of our democracy and our values. 'We hold this truth to be self-evident that all people are created equal.' These are the most beautiful words ever written and studied in the world. Our educational system has been in the forefront of change and insuring that we preserve our freedoms and making this beautiful message come alive for all of us.

We are building fences to keep people out (which is truly a terrible thing) and not to keep them from leaving. How many times have we heard someone forsaking the United States of America to go elsewhere? People will sacrifice everything they have to come to our country. We need to tear down any obstacle that keeps people from coming but we must also to (sic) preserve our freedom through education. We must continue to welcome all with open arms knowing that this makes our country what it is and must continue to be. We must continue to have universal education for all."

Mr. Arredondo means well. Even so, our Founders bequeathed us neither "democracy" nor the educational ruin we have today. When asked what form of government we had, Benjamin Franklin responded: "A Republic...if you can keep it!"

We haven't kept it.

Our country and government have been corrupted, contaminated by socialist seeds sown a century ago. Our schools now are tools of mass miseducation; incubators of socialist indoctrination (now masquerading as "environmentalism"), Godlessness, immorality, anti-Americanism, open borders, and political correctness: the bane of personal freedom and our "republican" form of government.

I responded:

Mr. Arredondo,

I, too, believe that erecting walls to keep people out of the U.S. is a terrible thing...but for an entirely different reason than you do!

Over the past 100 years, our little experiment with "freedom" has morphed into a monstrous "welfare" state, without which “magnet” we wouldn’t need walls. We have erected an "entitlement" bureaucracy and fostered a class of people who now subsist primarily on the beneficence and labors of the U.S. taxpayer.

20% of U.S. citizens now get 75% (or more) of their income from the federal government. Another 20% receive at least 45% of their income from federal coffers. Thus, NEARLY HALF of all Americans now get much (if not most) of their income from the federal government, while NEARLY HALF pay little or no federal income taxes!

I’m in the TOP 25% of income earners in this country and I paid NO FEDERAL TAXES this year! I haven’t paid federal taxes in 10 years! Why? Because I’m one of those “beneficiaries” profiting from the labors of those “others” who PAY taxes.

By what right do I claim their assets? The fruits of THEIR labors? How am I any different from the slave owner residing comfortably in the “big house” while others toil, on my behalf, in the fields?

Not only do I NOT pay federal income tax, I GET A CHECK from the federal government for SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS EACH YEAR! That’s right! Others are working for me! I just sit back and collect the spoils of their labor. It’s a great system.

It’s a criminal racket!!!

How can we call it anything but “slavery”? One-half of our population is forced to support the other half. The majority (of “beneficiaries”) continues to heap larger and larger burdens on the backs of the “providers” (i.e., U.S. tax payers).

Insidiously, our nation's laws ENCOURAGE laziness, extravagance, going on the dole, remaining unemployed, not getting married. In short, our “entitlement” government DESTROYS thrift, independence, personal responsibility and initiative.

It’s bad enough that the productive members of our society -- by compulsory means, rather than by true charity -- now support the unproductive (and less productive) "dwellers" in America. (We can't call them all "citizens" anymore, because we know tens of millions are here illegally!) The U.S. provides numerous benefits to its residents, citizen and law-breaker alike: welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, subsidized housing, WIC, free lunch, free medical care, free education, social services.

With all these "freebies", who WOULDN'T come here?!

HALF THE WORLD would move here TOMORROW, if they could! (Can they all come live at YOUR house?)

Of course, NONE of this "free stuff" is really "free". It must ALL be paid for. And WE’RE footing the bill. Of course, the REAL costs are astronomical. We could DOUBLE the amount taxpayers now pay and still not pay the bills already owed.

So our government resorts to BORROWING...and printing money like crazy. TRILLIONS of dollars each year. My children and your children are now ENSLAVED by this enormous debt -- to feed, clothe, house, medicate, educate, adjudicate and incarcerate tens of millions who have come here ILLEGALLY.

Plus Granny, who was supposed to die at 62 – and NEVER COLLECT Social Security – now lives into her 100’s and collects taxpayer-paid benefits for up to HALF her adult life! By “gaming” the system, many now put in little, but “get back” MILLIONS – at our expense.

You want to know why we need walls, Mr. Arredondo? For the same reason you lock your doors at night: To protect what is ours from those who would take it from us.

And, oh yes, they are TAKING it from us! They are CLAIMING it for themselves. They are "entitled" to it. They claim the "right" to be supported by others -- by U.S.! What does that make U.S.?


Even now our nation groans under the burden of this ruinous entitlement economy and mountainous debt. Left unchecked, it will DESTROY our union. (This is NOT what our Founders envisioned.)

And what will we inherit in its place?

Mexico del Norte?

Why do we build walls, Mr. Arredondo? Because we’re racists? Because we lack empathy for the less fortunate?



Even WITH a wall, our society crumbles from within. Unwed mothers (of every nationality) proliferate, adding to the social burden. Retired government workers inflate their salaries with overtime and administrative duties in their final years, capped off by “disabilities” incurred in their final months, “entitling” them to tax-free income (at public expense!) for life! Under-funded pensions created by labor unions now drag our economy into the abyss!

And, again, why?

Because of this “entitlement” mentality. The liberal-progressive agenda (Marxist socialism) is destroying U.S.

Denying this fact bespeaks of ignorance even advanced degrees cannot eradicate.


  1. This Is Exactly Right! We Must Abolish The Democratic Structure Of Our Government. The founding fathers wrote in the constitution that it guarantees the states of the union a REPUBLICAN form of Government.The government must be abolished and either abdicated from its position before it is too late. We must take action, We are the ones who give the government its power to do what they do.- Bryan Suarez

  2. Be careful what you ask for. Progressive liberalism provides the perfect tonic to right-wing zealots and secessionist militias. Abolish the structure of this republic for what: unchecked third world corruption, a Mugabe regime, or perhaps a religious state ala Iran? No thanks, freedom works. Isolationism never has, no matter how many walls you build. By the way, I paid taxes, but that doesn't make me anybody's slave.

  3. In one of my business classes some years ago, the following proposition was posed: In stead of trying to keep people out, give them a reason to stay out. If you help create a social, political, and economic climate that gives people the same or better opportunity for the pursuit of happiness, not only will you avoid an immigration problem, but you will have created a market for your goods and services that will increase your own wealth and perhaps happiness.

    The focus should be on how to accomplish this without interferring in foriegn affairs.

  4. Although it is true that many americans pay no federal income tax the true tax rate also includes sin taxes, fuel taxes, use taxes, etc. so that all are actually taxed. The main issue in reducing federal income taxes is the EITC and Child tax credit which reduces the amount of taxes not income one owes. If you have 4 kids that's $4000 off of your tax bill not your income...family friendly yes, beneficial to the country...? maybe maybe not...depends on what is done with the tax savings. Most counties in the western world have limitations to immigration, we should have them as well..oh yes we do so we should just enforce them. We have programs for guest workers, we have penalties for hiring illegal workers we just need to enforce them then a fence would not be needed to keep out illegal workers just terrorists, drug runners, and folks bent on evil deeds.

  5. I would welcome a return to the "structure" we had: a Constitutional Republic -- a nation of laws, protecting God-given rights. Not the rule of men (in black robes, who interpret laws and "invent" rights as they wish) nor the tyranny of the majority (mob rule aka "democracy").

    Can you honestly say that you are "free" to do as you please, so long as it doesn't hurt others? Rather, you are restricted and regulated and taxed and controlled at every turn. Your "freedoms" and "rights" are being whittled away, more and more, until you will have no capacity to effectively resist should you be pushed beyond the brink.

    What would you do if a majority of citizens "voted" to confiscate the majority of your wealth (as they now do the very rich)? When all the very wealthy are gone, who do you think they'll come for next? And how will you stop them? Those who favor taking from Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support of Paul! And, right now, we are at a tipping point. Very soon, the majority of our nation's denizens will be Paulines.

    I submit that progressive liberalism is precisely that which will push our nation toward "unchecked third world corruption, a Mugabe regime, or perhaps a religious state ala Iran".

    As for corruption, it's already here. Our present fiscal state is proof of that. Fascist control policies being employed now lay the groundwork for a future American "Mugabe". Our Gaea-worshiping cheerleaders, in schools and media outlets nationwide, are busy filling the choir seats to spread the "green" word. You will have your "Iran" at last. Only it won't be Christianity or Islam they'll be preaching. But neo-paganism.

    The 100-year revolution is almost complete.

    God help us.

  6. Yes, I can honestly say that I am free! I don't harbor and cultivate the type of fear that you seem to maintain so deeply at the core of your every argument. So should I start a militia and defend my wealth(i.e. make plans to attack the gov't and secede)? Or, can I just join yours?

  7. Liberty or Death: "So should I start a militia and defend my wealth...?"

    Defend your rights? Heavens, no! By all means, just throw your wealth at the liberal-progressive "house-of-cards", whose every program is now insolvent (or heading that way).

    What's so difficult to understand? A quick scan of http://www.usdebtclock.org/ reveals that we, as a nation, are HOPELESSLY in debt. What do you call "lifetime indentured servitude", if not "slavery"?

    I see and hear a train coming. The bridge is out. If we don't take action now, there will be a catastrophe.

    You claim to see the same light at the end of the tunnel...and call it "liberal progressivism".

    Time will tell who's right.

  8. OK, just let me know when to don my fatigues, weapon's already loaded. I've no hood, may have to borrow one of those, but I'll bring my rosary beads, er, if that's ok. Light up the torches! Let's ride!!!

    Lower the rhetoric and read this:


  9. It's easy to "cherry-pick" data to support this or that argument. The question is: Can you see the WHOLE picture?

    As I made clear in my post, the probem is not exclusively illegal immigration. It's about our "entitlement" mentality -- and people, citizens and foreigners alike, "gaming" the system ("using others") for their own benefit.

    But even if our problems were mostly due to illegals (which they're not), the LA Times (a classic, one-sided, liberal-progressive newspaper that nobody reads anymore) still couldn't get the story straight! The issue isn't about whether "legalizing" workers would affect workplace comptitition or tax revenues; the issue (which the LAT all but glosses over) is the impact of legalizing millions upon millions of low-skilled, low-wage earners (and their families), making them eligible for the welfare benefits our government generously affords its citizens.

    Recent immigrants of this demographic stripe are FAR MORE LIKELY to access and require public services than citizens who have been in the country for substantially longer time. Hence, to legalize them would INFLATE the welfare/social roles, further burdening the American taxpayer.

    To whom do our representatives (who write and enforce our laws) owe allegiance? To citizens of Mexico? Sweden? Or U.S.?

    When impoverished, illiterate peasants from foreign lands contemplate coming to America, they see opportunity. They see jobs, health and prosperity.

    When American corporations (like Walmart) see said impoverished, illiterate workers, they see "cheap labor" and "competitive advantage".

    Illegal immigrants especially (but low-skilled immigrants in general) are the new "slaves", imported to our shores under the guise of "multi-culturalism" and in the name of self-serving corporate "humanitarianism". The South used the same arguments. "Who would take care of these poor people if we didn't feed and house them and give them jobs?" Meanwhile, they picked their masters' cotton for peanuts.

    Spare me. America is being "played". Those who hate America -- or see themselves as "citizens of the world" rather than as Americans -- couldn't care less about our culture, our language, our traditions, our history, our freedoms, our prosperity or our security. All they care about is THEIRS. Our "workforce" is merely human capital to be exploited...until the next "cheapest" labor pool emerges. Our wealth is to be acquired...until the next new market opens up. We are slowly, surely, inexorably being over-run from without, while we are crumbling from within.

    You can spin it any way you want. But the numbers don't lie.

    We're bankrupt.

    "He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehood and errors." -- Thomas Jefferson

  10. LoD: Since we're trading articles, read this:


  11. wil, i respect your willingness to see reality without being marred by prejudice or self-gain. knowing you as i do, i can honestly state that you are not a hypocrite. you even include yourself as a benefit from an entitling government. it is true that those who can easily acquire benefits may lose the motivation to work hard while on the other hand someone who works hard to obtain comfort and security for themselves and their family start to question why they should support others who do not contribute. i believe in charity and assisting those who need it but subsidizing lifestyles is not charity. i believe our government should care for those who have earned it such as veterans of foreign wars. i believe that those who earn more should not have to pay more in taxes, heck we earned it by hard work that is not fault of mine. I had the same opportunities as others. concerning the building of fences, lets look at it this way. a flotilla of ships defending our shores is a fence to keep out those who do not belong or those who threaten our lifestyle. if you secure an area to keep a disease from spreading thus threatening ways of life is a fence. a fence around my yard with a gate is a fence to keep those out who may do me harm. now all these "fences" can be breached in a proper manner and legal manner. knock at my gate, ask permission and show good intentions, and i let you in. again wil, i know you write your opinions without prejudice and you do not look for personal gain. it is a pleasure to read your stuff.

  12. LoD: "By the way, I paid taxes, but that doesn't make me anybody's slave."

    Glad you see it that way. Keep that money coming!

  13. OK, I get it, you suggest we are a nation of slaves (taxpayers like me) and slave owners (riders of the big gov't gravy train like you.) Although I find your opinion completely lacking credibility, what real action do you propose taking, other than listening to the far right religulous talking heads and regurgitating their bane diatribes?

  14. liberty or death. there are 50 workers in a factory. 40 of them decide to pitch in $5 to buy the megalotto ticket. they win. do the other 10 deserve a piece of the pie. a person decides to work harder and makes more money. should that person have to pay more in taxes to support those that make less? when is it fair to have to support those who do not contribute? why should everyone have a home if they cannot afford one? good will is simply stating common sense. if at your place of work, you do not contribute you lose your job. the guy or gal next to you is not asked to work harder for you.

  15. LorD: I invite you to peruse my response to your question above regarding proposed actions to take.

