Sunday, September 26, 2021

Noah's flood

As some of you have already deduced, "Noah's Flood" did not happen as we've been led to believe.

God did not -- nor did He need to! -- kill all life on Earth outside of Noah, his family, and the animals on his boat. The flood was localized and the animals Noah took with him were those familiar to him where he lived. Noah's world -- not the whole world itself -- was destroyed.

And it didn't need to be! The rest of the world -- plants, animals and humans included! -- were innocent. They had not been taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. They knew nothing of Adam. They had not rejected God.

In fact, God DID just as many of you wish He would do here and now! He walked and talked among them, His children -- the children of God, the children of Adam -- from the days of Adam, for over a thousand years!

Noah's people knew Adam! (Not just believed in him, but KNEW him!) He had lived among them (or their immediate ancestors) like George Washington lived among us. 

Unlike for other humans on Earth, Adam was these people's direct and universal progenitor! (The Bible is simply Adam's story and that of some of his direct descendants.) Cain (who slew his brother, Abel) afterward (still) heard God's voice! He KNEW God. Consequently, he knew right from wrong -- not just believed, but KNEW! -- and WILLFULLY chose the Evil (devil) over Good (God). 

The wicked who were with Cain likewise chose evil over good and were ultimately left to their own devices -- killed by the natural consequences of their own ignorance and disbelief. (They could have gotten on the boat God provided for them, but they refused!) 

They were "past feeling" and could no longer repent. They had "ripened in iniquity." They would no longer listen to -- and, ultimately, could no longer "hear" -- God's voice, having become "immune" to the influence of His Holy Spirit. They were subsequently unable to rightly distinguish between Good and Evil -- and almost invariably chose evil (a lot like almost all Damnicrats and most Repugnicans today).

They were a warlike, violent and lascivious people. Having once been enlightened by the gospel (unlike true savages, who don't know better), they became moral and educated derelicts whose very existence was a blot and stain on the earth (like the blood of those whom they murdered) that could not be blotted out by Noah's preaching or his sacrifices. Noah's words were not heeded. His example was not followed. The world he inhabited was, therefore, doomed by the presence and influence of the wicked. 

They had to be removed -- and the bloody world cleansed by baptism -- otherwise, God's righteous posterity could not persist or endure in peace on the earth.