Saturday, March 22, 2014

I know THIS church is true

There are only two churches: those who repent and come unto Christ and those who don't.

I've poured out my heart to Father in gratitude for this post, which summarizes almost perfectly (though not completely) my own thoughts and feelings about the modern LDS Church. This story is my story!

It is not a story for the faint of heart! For the historically illiterate or the "born-and-bred" in the faith who cherish all things LDS -- its heritage, traditions, teachings and culture -- more than anything else (including their love of truth, as it is), venturing down this road will seem either senseless or an undeserved "attack" on "Mormonism". 

It is neither.

I am grateful to God, who, in His mercy, has poured out his Holy Spirit upon many in recent days, to help us discern truth from error. Ministers of righteousness have helped conceptualize the heretofore inconceivable. So thoroughly indoctrinated was I (by my "faithfulness" in the Church) that I was unable to verbalize (or even identify) the source of my growing angst and "cognitive dissonance". The more I learned and experienced in the LDS Church, the less satisfied I became! My Church "activity" actually got in the way of my former love: seeking, serving and worshiping Jesus Christ!

For example, I had actually been persuaded by LDS teachings, culture and tradition to disbelieve the notion (which I dearly held long before I was baptized in the LDS Church) that I needed to come unto Christ in the flesh in this life! I was "taught", rather, by LDS "authorities", that "temple worthiness" and receiving "sacred ordinances" delivered by "authorized agents" are all that is needed to ensure salvation in the world beyond. They were "ends" in themselves! No one actually needs to experience The Second Comforter in this life before entering the next, I was told! Receipt of the Holy Ghost is all that is required! Any blessed physical reunion with Deity can -- and probably should -- wait until after this life, when we're all gathered "Home" to Him!

That's what we're taught in the Church nowadays, anyways.

Meanwhile, we're "encouraged" (required?) by Church "headquarters" to "follow the prophet" -- as if the latter were, in any way, shape or form, an adequate substitute or "stand in" for the Former.

What a load of crap!

It's fascinating to behold the Spirit at work. Before I read the post linked above, I wrote my own impressions here and here. As you can see, my "testimony" hasn't been affected by this new-found knowledge (except it has strengthened, deepened and grown). The Book of Mormon is true! I have been baptized of fire and of the Holy Ghost. Consequently, I know God lives. I cannot be moved regarding that knowledge of Him. Even as Jacob knew when confronting Sherem, I know for myself, independent of any other human witness.

And I know the Church has changed. It is no longer the Church I joined...for precisely the reasons described above. I can say with emphatic assurance (and overflowing gratitude) that had I not been ministered to personally by Jesus Christ, I would have left this Church long ago! Knowing Him -- and tasting of His all-consuming love! -- has kept me grounded in (a somewhat tenuous) fellowship with the "saints" (who, by and large, know Him not), for better and for worse.

I have covenanted with God to lay down everything I am and have to sustain and defend the kingdom of God. "Everything" includes my Church membership. Neither Peter nor Paul considered it "loss" to follow Christ, even if they were excommunicated. They counted it for joy. I don't want to be cast out of the Church. I love the Church! I cherish my temple recommend. I revere and appreciate many people and attributes associated with our LDS faith.

But I love the Savior more. 

And I know the Church is bound to fail. (Why? You'll have to read the link!)

I share this knowledge with you with the hope that, someday, it will trouble you -- and wake you up! -- and give you hope! -- and lead you unto prayer and repentance and exercising greater faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

It did for me.


  1. Without repentance, there is no remission of sins. Without Jesus, there is no salvation. Despite the acts of other men and their ordinances, salvation comes from no other. It's ironic how the church that preached a different Gospel from the one you now know and understand was also the one that ultimately brought you to this truth.

  2. Ironically, the Book of Mormon teaches "another Gospel" than the one I know and understand is taught by the Church to which I now belong! How did that happen?!

    1. And the heart of that "other gospel" it preaches is contained in the false doctrine called D&C 132:

  3. As The Lord has spoken there a many mansions in my father's house and I go and prepare a place for you. You have a "choice" and "agency" to choose ye this day whom ye will serve, but for me an my house we will serve The Lord! And, if you choose another way, it is not the fullness but a portion of the truth, which even the VERY elect of God will be deceived. For there is a pattern in all all things so one can know the condition of spirits in ALL cases under heaven (D&C 52:14-21). For even Corihor was deceived and was ministered to by an angel of light, later realizing he was deceived by the father of lies. A form of godliness but denying the power thereof!
