Tuesday, March 31, 2009

As GM Goes, So Goes the Nation

Decades ago, the corporate heads of Detroit's auto makers signed lucrative union contracts they knew they could not honor, promising to pay health care and pension benefits for workers from future proceeds. Those unfunded obligations have now come due -- and have sunk the once-great auto giants General Motors and Chrysler.

Decades ago, America's political leaders made equally grandiose (and vain) promises to provide health care and retirement benefits to hundreds of millions of the rising generation -- in return for political votes and modest tax increases. Since 1913, the federal income tax rates -- beginning at 1% for those making at least $250,000 per year and topping out at 7% for multi-millionaires (with the promise that those rates would never increase) have steadily grown to swallow 40% of America's income. Not even those who pay no direct income tax pass unscathed. Inasmuch as corporations don't really pay taxes, but pass them on to those who benefit from their services, we all labor under a mountain of vexatious personal and/or corporate taxation.

In the 1930's, Social Security -- America's greatest ponzi scheme -- was created. And in the 1960's, Medicare and Medicaid joined the mix, further transfering the wealth of productive America to idle consumers.

Now we are enslaved. Our wealth, rather than be garnered in vaults or employed in industry, has been squandered in pointless consumption of vacuous entertainments and cheaply made products or else has been used to prop up corrupt, even tyranical bureacracies. Our fortunes past, present and future have been handed over to previous politicians and their adoring sycophants as well as to a menacing current Congress bent on enslaving us further by selling our children into the indentured servitude of mounting trillions through deficit borrowing and spending, sums we ourselves cannot hope to repay.

GM is bankrupt. 

What of the United States?

GM will be partioned and sold to her creditors -- and to the highest bidder.

Who will be America's new "masters"?

EDIT: I failed to mention GM's latest offer: Buy a new GM car...and if you lose your job, GM will pay your car payment (up to $500/month) for the next 9 months!
That's not GM's money they're throwing around. That's OUR money! GM has received BILLIONS of dollars in subsidies. We're ALL paying for those cars and the ridiculously high union wages and benefits that built them!

Who gave GM free access to my wallet?


Neither Congress nor the Executive branch has the constitutional authority to take from the rich to give to the poor. They do not have the authority to tell GM president Rick Wagoner to step down. They do not have the authority to do ANY NUMBER of things they're doing! Virtually EVERYTHING they do now is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

They are ROBBING U.S. blind! Just because we elected them doesn't give them the RIGHT break the law! The Constitution is the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND! Violate it and you become a  criminal.

They are BANKRUPTING America. They are TRAITORS to our republic and our way of life. We must hold them accountable and put a stop to it.

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