Thursday, April 26, 2012

Our Great "White Hispanic" Hope

George Zimmerman is not just innocent. He is a hero. If this video by his former attorney doesn't convince you, perhaps this article will

I can think of no better example of the media distorting truth and warping public opinion for ratings (and to advance the "progressive" agenda and the meme of racial discord) than this. A Zimmerman conviction would be proof-positive that "truth, justice and the American way" are ABSOLUTELY DEAD in this country.

This poor man doesn't deserve jail. He deserves a medal. And our support.

Edit: Note the media's use of the 7-year-old "mug shot" of Zimmerman (arrested for a "crime" for which he was never convicted) juxtaposed with a picture of Martin as a smiling 12-year-old...not the brooding 6-foot-tall teenage menace he would become.

UPDATE (August 8, 2012): I just read this in an email today...

Anybody know who this is?


Trayvon Martin at 17……

Our media...television news...newspapers...magazines. continue to show 12 year old Trayvon...NOT 17 year old Trayvon....they continue to show the 5 year old picture BECAUSE it helps to cement in your mind the little, cute, hoodie wearing youngster who was stalked by this monster.

In reality.."little Trayvon" the time of his death...stood almost 6'2" tall...weighed 175 muscular pounds...had numerous run in's with authorities (both at school and local police)...had been stopped and almost arrested two days before his death for...smacking a bus driver in the face...because the driver refused to let him ride for free...he was released because the driver was told not to press charges by the bus company and to continue on his route.

When "little Trayvon" was suspended at was not only because he tried to bring a little marijuana in with him...he was in possession of wedding rings and other etc. that he said he "found" along with a large screwdriver...while on the way to school that day...the jewelry was turned over to the Police by the school.

Not a single paper has printed RECENT photos of this would not keep your interest in this case... Not a single paper will admit that this kid was a marijuana dealer...his friends on facebook all say he had the "best plants"...not a single paper will show you any of his recent photos where he shows off a mouthful of gold teeth....all of his tattoos...not a single paper will tell the news like it really is....and NOT how they want you to think it is...

UPDATE II (8/21/12): And now it appears that the prosecution has not been acting in "good faith" all along.

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