Friday, April 27, 2012

The World-Wide Media Blackout

Only one candidate in this American election cycle advocates ending "American imperialism", removing our military bases from 135 countries, bringing home our troops, ending all the foreign wars and invasions, no longer propping up puppet regimes, abolishing the Fed and its fiat currency that channels national wealth to well-connected bankers and Wall Street types while bankrupting and impoverishing the bulk of America's citizenry, getting government out of people's lives and returning power to the states and/or The People (as our Constitution requires). 

In short, only one candidate preaches a decidedly "American" message. And the media says nothing about him. He is entirely blacked out.


The Powers That Be do not want The People to know what is afoot. They do not want The People to know what they are doing. TPTB are growing enormously wealthy printing "monopoly money", giving it to themselves, and cashing it in for the real stuff (gold, land, businesses, etc.) while orchestrating the collapse and ensuing dependency of the entire world.

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