Wednesday, April 27, 2016


You may have wondered why I haven't posted lately.

I don't know if I'm "steak" destined for the meat grinder or if I'm hamburger destined for the barbeque. Either way, I'm going through a tortuous experience right now that is both redefining and reshaping who I am, "remaking" me into what I will become (for good or evil). 

It's not a pleasant experience. It's not comfortable. It's not enjoyable. I don't like it! I weep and wail and mourn nearly every day.

But it's necessary.

EVERYTHING I believe in (or believed) is being challenged. EVERY support I've built up, received or depended upon throughout my life is being threatened and withdrawn. EVERY relationship I've known has been (or is being) tested. The very concepts, constructs and organizations I've thought to be "of God" have been shown (to me, in many cases) to be of my own imagination, or to be subject to my own misapprehensions. 

"My way," I've been forced to conclude, is NOT the "highway to heaven." 

Rather, just the opposite: it's the road to hell.

I've been reminded of Isaiah 55:8-9 not by the teachings of men, but by my own experience: by tasting the bitter fruit of my -- yes -- my misdeeds and misapprehensions. 

Haven't we all (those of us who have thought to "embrace the light" and "follow the Lord") assumed that we were doing "right" -- after reading the scriptures, pondering, praying, etc. -- that we were going to be "blessed," even "rewarded" -- if not here, then certainly hereafter -- because we were doing God's will, being guided by His Spirit?

And, yet, what if we were wrong

(You can see, as an aside, the necessity of "sin" -- of "making an experiment on the word," both for good and evil, to test and try the claims of both God and the devil, to see which one bears "fruit" -- and what kind of fruit? and how does it taste? and is it worth the price paid? Without sin (and experimentation) there is no knowledge and, thus, no power to choose, no agency, no accountability, no growth. But, as I said, that's an aside to this post.)

As the man who excommunicated me said -- just before he said, "Why do we even need the Holy Ghost when we have a living prophet?" -- "What if your Holy Ghost is different from my Holy Ghost?"


What if what we perceive to be "of God" is not of God? What if (as Joseph Smith is reported to have said...and I'm paraphrasing here): "Some revelations are of God, some are of men, and some are of the devil"? What if what we think to be "of God" -- because of our earnestness, sincerity, supposed humility and seeking after truth, our willingness to submit to all things whatsoever the demands of seeking truth inflict upon us -- what if what we think to be "true" is still of man or of the devil? What if what we "know" to be "true" is, in fact, false? (That is why my friend Log asserts to "know" only that which he has experienced for himself. How else can one truly know anything? Isn't all other "knowledge" mere belief?)

Then ought we not tread lightly with the "knowledge" of others? What do we "know" ourselves? 

Very little.

Can it be, like the people of Alma, enslaved by the people of Amulon (see Mosiah, chapters 23 and 24) that our hearts (or our intentions) can be "right," even as our thoughts, words and deeds may still be "wrong": wrong enough to require humiliation of the sort to which "righteous" Alma and his people were subject (and to which they ultimately meekly submitted) for God's sake?

I would suggest that, for most of us (me, included) our "errancy" is not only a possibility, but (with few exceptions) a practical reality.

It is not only likely that we are "wrong"...and must be punished and humiliated, even as we strive to humble ourselves. It is necessary. It is unavoidable. For none of us is "like unto God" (yet). And all of those who would be as God (and with Him) must pass through this crucible, this refiner's fire, this grinder. 

Alma and his people, while seeking truth, nonetheless had been raised in sin and error. Their false traditions, vain ideas, material supports and "haughtiness" had to be broken. And they were willing to be broken, for God's sake.

If you think you are "steak," you will be shown to be hamburger! And if you think you are "hot stuff," you will be introduced directly to the flame!

I don't know where I am going now. I really don't. I don't know what I will do or where I be or what I will become (if anything) hereafter. (I don't even know where I will be living...or with week!) 

This is God's work. Either He does it -- or it won't get done. Because whatever I do -- of myself, without His authorization and support -- will come to naught and will ultimately pass away, whether it be relationships, houses, businesses, beauty, might or dominion. It will all turn to dust and be done away -- unless it is saved and preserved by Him. 

Much of what I thought was true has been shown (to me) to be false. Families aren't forever. There is one Family that is forever: the family of God. He, alone, has the power to save and preserve His family (including us, if we belong to it and to Him). Otherwise, all the kingdoms of this world -- all associations, contracts and connections, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people -- by whatever power or "authority" established and connected -- will come to naught and pass away, even as grass, or as branches of the vineyard, destined to be lopped off and burned.

It's His way...or the highway to hell. This mortal "experiment" is provided to teach us by our own experience to choose good from evil, to learn that our way doesn't work. (The sooner we learn that, the better!)

There are those who are beguiled into thinking that riches, comforts and "blessings" -- the "fruits" of living "the good life" -- are symbols of success; that they've "made it" once they "have it all": the "trophy" wife (or "perfect" husband), a "quiver full" of children (or not!), the "perfect" job, a fully-funded IRA, that "dream" house, boat, etc.

All these things, at best, will come to naught. This world will end and, with it, EVERYTHING IN IT. "Surely you will have your reward," Jesus warned those who would mount up treasures on earth. Indeed, those who seek after the substance of this world are destined to "cycle, rinse and repeat," worlds without end. The same spirit that possesses them in this world will have power to possess them in the world to come. They will get what they want. Everlastingly. (See Alma 34:34.)

And they will be in "hell" (like we are now, where Obama reigns and people war and squabble over nothing) continually! And they won't even know it!

Always it is given to us to seek after the things of God's world (for He remembers even those of us in "hell") to invite us to do things His way. This world (hell) mocks heaven and repudiates all things divine, pointing the finger of scorn at everything God does, in His way. The world sees His work as abject failure. (Or no "work" at all: a "godless" universe!)

Jesus was the ultimate "failure" to those without eyes to see.

So I've ventured forward a bit and told you where I see myself: someone on the track toward God; enmired (yet) in sin (rebellious, prideful, self-willed, ignorant, lazy). I'm (probably) practically useless to God now, as is. (Except to set a "poor" example...or be a "good" example of what not to do or become or follow. At least, that's what my wife and children tell me!)

I am destined, if I continue down this path, to "lose" everything I've "gained" in this world. (At least I hope so!) I do not aspire to be rich, only pure. I do not aspire to be popular, only holy. 

Yes, I would like to be loved. Loved by everybody! 

But I'd rather be loved by God and have His approval, His approbation, if it means that I am (finally) following in the "right" course.

I don't know where that "course" is, other than to keep the commandments of Jesus (see Matthew 5-7, etc.). I've repented (as best I know how to repent) and I've confessed everything of note "worthy" to confess beyond the common lot of man. I've been baptized (and re-baptized!) to show heaven and earth my willingness to follow Christ. I've borne witness of the truth (as I've understood the truth) and I've sought to bear the burdens of others, even my "foes". (See Matthew 10:36.)

It's a start. 

Other than that, I'm "lost." 

I pray God "finds" me and saves me. I am asking, seeking and knocking.

That's all I can do.


  1. Brother! To say "I feel you" would be disrespectful. So I say - against the back drop of your eloquent and painstakingly written words, I sense that everyone who walks the path of discipleship will be tested. You are currently in the middle of it. It's still in the future for me. I guess that the desperation we need to really find God, or be found by Him, is a product of the kind of despair that comes from knowing that nothing other than Him can fill your hunger. I long for that hunger, but I don't think I will enjoy going without food for so long. It's been said that when you've sunk to the bottom, you at least have firm ground under your feet. Maybe thats how it is - that "hell" becomes firm ground for us to push ourselves up from.

    I believe in you, and I believe that God won't leave you hanging. He will at least catch you when you fall.

    1. Thank you, Christian. I have a son named Christian. (In fact, all three of my sons are named Christian, either as their first or middle name.)

  2. Brother, Jesus Christ loves you, he suffered for your sins and felt all the pain that you are going through in the Garden, he sweat great drops of blood for you, he totally understands you and what you are going through. His love fills the immensity of space, it flows from him as the whitest of white light and fills our souls. As Nephi put it " Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things" and the angel replied "Yea, and the most joyous to the soul"
    I promise that it is possible to feel of his love right where you are in the middle of the "hell" you are in, don't ever give up, Jesus Christ is there for you, he will never leave you alone. It will not always be this way, keep the faith, don't give up!

  3. Thank you for reminding me of what I myself have witnessed and known. I felt His love yesterday. It was a great comfort to me. I should have been in anguish. Instead I was buoyed up.

    I'm always surprised, however, when I am "attacked" by my own family, whenever I am "wounded" in the house of my "friends".

    I guess I shouldn't be.

  4. You have a good heart Will. I can relate with what you're going through because I went through the same thing several years ago. Hopefully these verses will give you comfort and strength during this difficult time:

    1. Those were comforting verses, Anonymous. Those who preach "peace at any price" are anti-Christ.

      I, for one, cannot claim I am blameless, however.

      I know we're supposed to forgive and forget, especially ourselves, once we repent and strive to make amends. But when one reminds you of your misdeeds and imperfections -- and throws them back in your face continually! And walks out on you! And abandons you! And takes away from you EVERYTHING you love and hold dear in this world -- it's hard for's hard for me! "take comfort" in knowing that Christ predicted I would experience conflict in my own home if I followed Him.

      He also said "blessed are ye when men shall accuse you falsely for my name sake." But what happens when those accusers speak only the truth? What if we are (or were) all that they say of us...and worse? Do any of the Lord's great promises to us still apply?

      I have failed to garner the continuing love, affection and devotion of my wife (and, consequently, many of my children). I have consequently lost almost EVERYTHING that truly matters to me in this world!

      When one confesses and forsakes one's sins -- or even just asks forgiveness! -- it is incumbent upon those who have been offended (and certainly upon everyone else) to forgive the sinner; otherwise, the soul who fails to forgive bears an even GREATER burden. (For ALL have sinned. Do we not ALL, then, need grace and forgiveness? We must FORGIVE if we are to be FORGIVEN!)

      Nevertheless, "many hearts died, pierced with deep wounds."

      I do not understand the full implication of those words, but I am a witness of their reality.

      I also don't know my state or standing before God. I know that what He washes and makes clean, we ought not call unclean! But wicked men revile even the (now) innocent and pure; how much more shall they condemn the (once) guilty and defiled?

      I've done just enough of some things to be held accountable for many things. To keep a clear conscience, I would have to confess: "Thy judgments are just, O Lord!" That makes this bitter pill of losing my wife and children through divorce that much harder to bear! It's one thing to have loved ones taken away by accident or illness; quite another to have them walk -- nay, run! -- away!
