Thursday, December 11, 2014

A daughter's dream

This morning during scripture study, my oldest daughter told me the dream she had last night:

We went to Church and were sitting in a pew with our whole family. It was a testimony meeting and [Log] walked up to the stand and started talking about…he just started throwing out scriptures like he always does…and people startled babbling about what he said and got mad at him. Some teenagers were loudly playing on their phones. Log took away their phones, saying “You guys should listen!” but nobody did. Then Reid Walker stood up and told everyone to quiet down and listen to him [Log] and everyone started quieting down and listening a little. 
Then I turned to you and said “Dad, you shouldn’t be here!” And you started freaking out saying “Oh, my gosh! You’re right! Come with me.” We both walked to the car and were driving on the freeway when you said, “Ariel, I have a story to tell you.” 
Then you said:
“Once there was a man who had a big, beautiful tree in his backyard. But there was a fire and the tree was burned to the ground. The man went searching in the desert and found a huge, gorgeous diamond -- as big as the entry to his house! He put the diamond in his trailer, brought it home, and buried it in the ground next to the old, burnt down tree. Once he planted the diamond, it began to grow into an even bigger tree, more beautiful than the one that had burned down! It was ginormous, thick and unbreakable, with dark green leaves and branches that any child would want to climb in! Its branches just kept on growing! They had life in them. The old, burned down tree looked dead and disgusting by comparison."
My daughter could see the burnt tree, the diamond and the new tree, as if she were there. 
“Then he pointed to the diamond, a portion of which was sticking out of the ground. Most of the diamond had grown into the tree, but of what was left he said: “See that left-over diamond?” The diamond was bright blue and glowing. “That’s for the tree to grow when it needs it.”


  1. Sounds like me. What was I talking about?

  2. I have no idea, Joseph (or Daniel or Nephi). You'll have to see for yourself!
