Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Wail and mourn

This does not bode well for us.

I hurt inside, knowing how far I have to go. I do not emulate the characteristics Denver identified of those who will be successful.

Ought we not to wail and mourn?


  1. Oh my goodness people ... do you really think that the God the Father is only going to have a handful of people present to usher in the glorious return of Jesus? The most glorious being and only a few are allowed to witness it? Denver wants to make everything into a formula, but have you received a witness that what Denver is saying is from God or is everyone just jumping from one ship to another ship of idol worship. There are so many people of other religions who are passionate about Jesus ... and do you not think God loves them? The whole purpose of the Davidic Servant is to prepare us ... like Enoch prepared his people for Zion. Denver never talks about the Davidic Servant? Why is that? All this practice stuff about creating zion communities and rebaptism is a distraction for receiving the Second Comforter. I don't not disagree that rebaptism is a good thing ... or taking the sacrament ... but the only one ordained to gather all Israel and to restore all things is an Elias that has not yet come forth. Denver is not the Elias ... and if you are worshipping Denver then you need to repent. Denver doesn't want your worship, but it seems to me that people are putting him on the pedestal and doing everything he says without taking it to the Lord ... You may be very surprised if you take Denver seriously and seek the Lord and not what Denver has to say.

  2. The message is judged by its content, not by its messenger.

    If the world is to ascend to a terrestrial existence, it must abide by terrestrial law -- the same laws the Israelites were invited to embrace, but rejected.

    Can you not fathom their realization that only the "holy" could come into God's presence and live...and therefore they bid Moses do it for them? Can you not see how we obtained our "tradition" of "following a prophet"? The Lord would have none of that, were His people able and willing to come unto Him. But they were not.

    And, by and large, we are not.

    What I sense is something wonderful...and hopeful: a gospel preached that is "detached" from religion, church and sect. God is begetting a generation of beings who are willing and able to abide in Him (and Him alone), becoming like Him. (Great tribulation will play a significant role in our transformation.)

    What are you advocating? That the terrestrial world be populated by such as we are now? More of the same? Where is salvation or deliverance in that? Denver's words strike at the heart of the matter: faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and true repentance.

    That is why he is believed.

  3. Men are that they might have joy.Joy in receiving the fullness when you decide to act in the law of consecration and have all things in common. Then you will shake off the natural man. In the meantime, does not the Lord want us to rejoice in Him and His precious blood that brought us to this point? PAtience will bring joy in waiting. Merry Christmas to all.

  4. Yes, Denver makes a good point. That's why I won't be going to the gathering at Grand Mesa. Rushing the mountain is a very bad idea.

  5. Far be it from me to suggest anything, but has anyone asked Snuffer what he was talking about and referring to?

  6. From one Anonymous to Another ... if you don't want to rush to the mountain and wait upon the Lord, does that mean you shouldn't be rebaptized, or gather into communities, practicing Zion? Don't get me wrong ... I know Denver personally ... he is just a mortal people who gets some things right and some things wrong ... Maybe you should ask God whether you should go to Grand Mesa and not rely upon hearsay or rely upon the arm of flesh - Denver. This is what concerns me is so many waiting upon every word coming forth from Denver and not waiting upon the Lord. Do you think maybe God is testing us all to see if we just jump from the worship of LDS leadership to the worship of Denver? Maybe those millions of people who really adore Jesus and are of other faiths, go to Jesus directly and not through another arm of flesh. They rely upon Jesus' grace. wherein Denver talks about the works and the law again ... the same old Aaronic order of things. Why in the heck should we preserve the restoration when God has something so much better to give to us if we only go to Him? If you all keep looking to Denver for your mentoring and knowledge, the Lord will withhold revelations that you could have yourself. Denver did a great job calling us all to repentance ...but it is time to move on and put way the Law of Moses (Aaronic) and find Jesus at the mountain. As long as you are looking to Denver as your leader the Lord will not take you from the bottom of the mountain to the top ... Denver is our test ... are you ready to graduate or not?

    1. When I quote someone on my blog, I believe in letting them know that. Denver's words touched something in my soul and I quoted your comment, Anonymous, because I felt it was an excellent example of what Denver was talking about in his post.



  7. Dude, Feel free to rush the mountain anytime. But I must say, I do get tired of people slamming Denver by trying to come across as if they are spiritually superior to him by some special insight they have.

    By all means, go to Grand Mesa and good luck to you. But don't denigrate those of us who think this is madness and folly by accusing us of being spiritually immature and that we are relying on the arm of flesh.

    We are not. You are not the only one who can pray and get an answer. We also receive our own revelations. And that's why I'm telling you, Grand Mesa is a bad idea.

    Nonetheless, feel free to meet the beast at the pass.

    1. Dear Anonymous (December 24, 2014 at 4:11 PM):

      To whom are you referring? To me? Or to someone else? Who is denigrating whom by calling anyone "spiritually immature"?

      Grand Mesa (from what I understand) is an opportunity for those who wish to get together, socialize, fellowship, study and worship. It's not a gathering awaiting some starship or the City of Enoch to come pick us up! At best, it will be a "training run", an opportunity for us to focus on purifying our hearts and minds, as if we were ascending Mt. Sinai.

      How does one prepare to come before Him in the flesh? A cavalier attitude would not be beneficial, I imagine. One MUST live terrestrial law to abide a fullness of the Son's glory.

    2. Will, I believe he was responding to the "Anonymous" just above him. Read it that way and you will see that it absolutely fits.
