Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Parables and Prophets

Not being a "follower" of Denver Snuffer, I haven't read all his books (yet). I recently coughed up enough pocket change to purchase Kindle versions of Beloved Enos and Ten Parables. I wasn't disappointed.

With Beloved Enos, Denver explicates how a prophet employs symbolism and understatement to describe experiences with Deity and transcendent eternal truths using minimal resources. Ten Parables does likewise. However, both of these books are more about Denver's experiences than anyone else's. They are his way of telling us what happened to him. To me they are nothing short of thrilling and inspiring.

They give me hope. They compel me to keep praying, keep seeking, keep searching, keep repenting.

I believe he is telling the truth.


  1. I too believe he is telling the truth, about many things.
    James Russell Uhl

  2. I've enjoyed both those books. I hope people are having the experiences with God that Denver has claimed to have. I hope to someday as well.

    Enos is such a great book.
