Wednesday, October 12, 2016

American Moses

The "slaves" in bondage prayed for a miracle: that the scoundrels and hypocrites of Washington, D.C. -- who say one thing (to get elected), then do another (to retain power and enrich themselves) -- would be swept from office and their criminal enterprises ended.

God heard their prayers and sent one from among them like unto themselves: a lewd and callow fellow, vulgar and avaricious. Like many (including the hypocrites), he was given to pride and excess, vanity and boasting. But he was, in many ways, also industrious, decent, generous and kind. He amassed great wealth: mostly by his industry, but also because he strategically (and legally) defaulted on promises made, sometimes defrauding the unwary of recompense owed and the humble worker of a just remuneration.

His heart and hands were not clean, neither were his lips.

But this improbable "Moses" -- raised as he was in "Egypt's" courts -- came to himself. He recognized who he was and that all would be lost if things continued as they were. Being intimately involved with all the machinations of "pharaoh" and pharaoh's court, he spoke up and told the truth. Many believed him.

But the "magicians", threatened as they were by his message, mocked him. They put words in his mouth. They called him fool! Clown! Buffoon! They distracted and deceived the people. Thus protected by the court, pharaoh could do no wrong. And the people's hearts were hardened.

Plagues ensued. 

But those who loved and served God were ultimately delivered.


  1. Pharaoh may be a slaver, and his magicians may be deceiving the people in many ways, but unless and until Moses shows signs of real repentance, humility, contrition, willingness to confess his earlier sins, or really any sign that he is not just an overgrown playground bully, whining privileged child, and megalomaniac, I can't support him either.

  2. I don't want to cross over the line and become an "apologist" for DJT. I do not know the man. But I've seen his "humble" side. I've heard his apologies. I've witnessed him say "no one knows about this", (meaning the corruption of Washington, D.C., etc.) "better than I do", because he is/was one of them. He's an "insider" who has been "shut out" because he refuses to play the game.

    Is Trump legit? I don't know. But he's saying ALL the right things...even if he has given the U.S. military a new "battle cry" as they jump from airplanes and storm the beaches: "Grab 'em by the p*ssy!"
