Saturday, October 1, 2016

Orwellian world

Have you noticed the almost complete "news blackout" of Hillary Clinton? Her "election strategy" appears to be to "stay under the radar" as much as possible. She didn't hold a news conference for over nine months (until just recently...and that was "staged" and only for a few minutes). She spends most of her time raising money (from large donors) and hardly any time campaigning (only to tiny audiences the media refuse to report). She is referenced usually only in response to something (trivial, petty, controversial) Donald Trump (or one of his supporters) has said or done. 

EVERYTHING about Trump is mocked. EVERYTHING about Trump's supporters ("basket of deplorables") is mocked. EVERYTHING about Clinton is apologized for / explained away / excused. (She is almost NEVER mocked by the mainstream media.) Trump is attacked about EVERYTHING. Clinton is held accountable for NOTHING.

No major candidate running for president in American history has been more frequently associated with foreign interests, scandals, criminal mischief and lies than Hillary Rodham Clinton. No American politician has profited more handsomely purely from the trappings of political office than have the "poor" Clintons, who are now worth hundreds of millions of dollars. How did they amass this wealth? What do they "offer" or "produce" to amass such wealth?

I'll let someone else tell you.

Barack Hussein Obama Jr. -- the Muslim-raised, communist-Marxist trained scion of a 25-year-old polygamist and African Marxist academic who "knocked up" a 17-year-old Russian-studying, communist American named Stanley Ann Dunham while he studied abroad -- says that Hillary Rodham Clinton, the champion of rapists and abortionists, is "the most qualified" person to be president in U.S. history! More qualified than Washington? Jefferson? Adams? 

(What does that tell you about BHO's understanding of America and American history?)

It's amazing to witness the complete "dumbing down" of the American electorate, the overthrow of our nation's heritage and values, and the imposition of Orwellian surveillance and thought-control, right before our very eyes, in real time. The manufactured "issues", mayhem and "entertainment" -- to distract, dissemble and divide -- is truly astounding. We are a people "ripening" in iniquity and readying for destruction: killing our own offspring, euthanizing our elderly, promoting sexual license and gratification (homosexual and otherwise) over restraint and responsibility, authorizing institutionalized graft and theft through government-sponsored inflation, profligate monetary creation (not real wealth creation), interest rate manipulation and "loophole" legislation and regulation (benefiting primarily the lawmakers "on the take" and not the governed). 

Our society is being hollowed out from within and imploded from without. We are losing it, folks. 

Reason, morality, truth, right...are being thrown out the window. In their place are left emotions, perceptions, impressions, illusions, rationalizations, lies, and mischief. 

We will reap the whirlwind.

1 comment:

  1. I agree it's disconcerting. There is only one allowed opinion and anything else is deplorable.

    You bring up an excellent question worth throwing at any Hillary supporter: How did [the Clintons] amass this wealth? What do they "offer" or "produce" to amass such wealth?

    The answer, of course, can only be crony politics.

    To me, the most unsettling things to me is that — just like the general LDS membership — we have reached a societal point where the majority of people do not care about understanding truth. The majority of people prefer to have one message given to them that they can feel good agreeing with.
