"You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden ... Sweden ... who would believe this? Sweden, they took in large numbers, they are having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening Brussels, you look at what's happening all over the world."
Jim posted the following on Facebook:
“Grieving for Bowling Green now Sweden oh my”
That elicited the following exchange between us:
Me: You really should grieve for Sweden, Jim. Sweden is now the rape capital of Europe, thanks to Islamic refugees!
I appended to this comment a video titled “Stockholm Syndrome”, by Ami Horowitz, documenting how rape and violence have exploded across Sweden due to its immigration policies. These crimes are perpetrated (largely) by illiterate, unemployed, Muslim “refugees” from Africa and the Middle East. They are “reconquering” Europe and Europe isn't even putting up a fight!
Me: Then there are the "useful idiots", who bury their heads in the sand.
Jim: And we are the murder capital of the world
Trump is right the media is not covering the Swedish issue last night...
Jim “cut and pasted” something from Wikepedia:
I looked it up Sweden has expanded its definition of sexual assault here have been several international comparisons made, placing Sweden at the top end of the number of reported rapes. However, police procedures and legal definitions vary widely across countries, which makes it difficult to compare rape statistics.[8][9][10][11] For example, Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider in 2005,[3][4][8][12] which largely explains a significant increase in the number of reported rapes in the ten-year period of 2004-2013.[13][14] The Swedish police also record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries.[8][11][15] Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of rape cases, in an effort to increase the number of crimes reported.[8][14][16][17] Raised awareness and a shifting attitude of sexual crimes in Sweden,[note 1][18] which has been ranked as the number one country in gender equality,[19] may also explain the relatively high rates of reported rape.[8][11][20]
Me: Jim, are you going to deny and explain away (with statistical analysis, even) the cultural sea change toward violence and sexual assault that has overtaken Sweden (France, Germany etc.) as a result of a mass influx of (mostly Muslim) refugees? Are you going to disbelieve your own eyes? How many videos do I have to post showing angry crowds of Muslims shouting "Death to America" or assaulting women before you accept the truth? (What? You think these videos were filmed at the Republican National Convention?)
My gosh, man! Hitler announced, long before he wrested power: "We're going to kill all the Jews!" But the Jews in Germany just sat in the audience saying to themselves and others "He doesn't mean us, of course, we're his biggest fans!" One ought not be so open-minded his brain falls out! All peoples, cultures and religions are NOT the same! Some are downright evil. Those who murder innocents in the name of God, teaching others to do likewise, believing death is preferable to life, are particularly deleterious.
Being compassionate toward others does NOT require that we bring them to US. We can help them THERE, in their own lands and cultures, among their own peoples, practicing their own religions. We don't have to BECOME them to help them. Their goal, however, is to make US one with THEM.
Jim: Hey Will what happened Friday night in Sweden? Even the Swedes don't know? He will stats don't add up...how about those Christians killing people in church, schools, and theaters in this country. All white.....
Me: Can you believe the governments of Europe -- just like the states attorneys general, the media and others in the US -- minimize and obfuscate racial (and religious) statistics, going so far as to omit references to the RACE of perpetrators, so as not to "stereotype" or incite bigotry, as if race were NOT a key distinguishing characteristic in describing culprits?
My children do this. At a football game there were MANY large and burly men. Only one was black. I actually witnessed my son trying to describe which man was the coach of the other team -- referencing everything from his hair color to the clothes he was wearing to his size and muscles -- ANYTHING but his most definable and easily recognizable feature: he was black! The only black man on the entire field! Referencing his skin color, he could be singled out in less than a second! But my son took several seconds describing EVERY OTHER feature. He had been conditioned to do so; that it was "impolite" to acknowledge that all men are NOT created "equal". (As if being black were something to be "ashamed" of or ought not be mentioned).
The media do this with extraordinary alacrity. COUNTLESS crimes are reported, committed by blacks and Hispanics, with NO reference to race whatsoever! This is political correctness run amok.
The current establishment don't want to admit the DISASTER that unregulated immigration has been -- both for US and for them. Hence, they MINIMIZE the consequences (and any potential backlash of popular opinion) by understating (and not reporting!) WHO, exactly, is committing these crimes. Law enforcement and government agencies actually SUPPRESS racial and nation-of-origin statistics, as if knowing that HUGE percentages of crimes being committed by blacks, Hispanics and illegal aliens FAR IN EXCESS of the general population is NOT important for US to know.
Refugee Immigration has been a DISASTER for Sweden, France, Germany and elsewhere. The powers that be CAN'T admit that THEY are responsible for the murdering, rioting, theft, sexual assault, and mayhem! They CAN'T ADMIT that MUSLIMS are running down people in trucks, murdering people in theaters, raping women in parks, and rioting in the streets saying they are "victims". They must HIDE all this and perpetuate the myth that "nothing is wrong here" -- just like our government hides the national debt and deficit, unemployment statistics, death and disability due to vaccines, the crisis of Social Security, etc.
Self-serving governments rely upon useful idiots to perpetuate their schemes and cover their tracks. Don't be one of them.
Jim: There is a disproportionate amount of minorities in prison in US...but then you have to ask why? I realize that our country has issues I watch the orange man spew crap...yes I believe in the staticall data...do not feel a conspiracy to pull one over on the American people other than the powers in place....so what happened Friday that Potus was spewing about...Sweden wants to know...or those mass shootings in USA by white Christians?
Me: Holy cow, Jim! You have your head so far up your ass, my friend, that you can't even see the light! Did you read ANYTHING I just wrote? Your apparent "shot gun" denials has you "seeing" everything but understanding NOTHING! How about we address ONE topic at a time? (Instead of always responding "but...but...white person..." or "but...but...Republicans....") Don't let your biases and prejudices preclude your vision!
Do you DENY that a Muslim in Nice wasn't very: running down dozens of Christmas shoppers? That Muslims stormed a theater in Paris, slaughtering and torturing innocents?
I appended an article for reference:
Do you deny that, in the past few years, one Muslim slaughtered dozens in a nightclub in Orlando, two Muslims slaughtered over a dozen in San Bernardino, and countless Muslims have slaughtered tens of thousands of Christians worldwide, driving them from formerly Christian enclaves and countries?
Where are the marches of Christians in the streets shouting "Death to Iran" or "Death to Muslims and Jews"? It's RIDICULOUS how you equate a single drop of Christian bigotry (arguably found SOMEWHERE) with an entire OCEAN of Muslim hatred, violence and bigotry found ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE!
There are a disproportionate number of hispanics and blacks in prison because a disproportionate number of hispanics and blacks commit A DISPROPORTIONATE AMOUNT OF CRIME! Over 50% of all the murders in America are committed by just 3% of the population -- young black men! Same for other violent crimes! Illegal immigrants are FAR more likely to access welfare -- and STAY on welfare -- than the general population. These are facts. To deny them, under the guise of being politically correct, is willful ignorance. (Didn't you HATE the fact that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany "controlled" the news? Why do you tolerate it in America?)
What "crap" did President Trump spew Saturday? Did he mention "terrorist attacks" in Sweden specifically? Or did he reference the general lawlessness I speak of? Did you watch the video? What would you call THAT?
And PLEASE point me to "those mass shootings in the USA by white Christians". I'd like to start keeping tabs. I'll punch myself in the face EVERY TIME a "Christian" (ANYWHERE in the world) murders an innocent bystander while shouting "Praise the Lord!" if you'll punch yourself in the face every time a Muslim in, let's say, just Europe (to keep it fair) murders someone screaming "Allahu Akbar" (or "God is the greatest!").
Care to take that bet?
I appended a link documenting the government suppression of information regarding the gruesome torture of victims by Muslim terrorists in France:
Me: You really should grieve for Sweden, Jim. Sweden is now the rape capital of Europe, thanks to Islamic refugees!
I appended to this comment a video titled “Stockholm Syndrome”, by Ami Horowitz, documenting how rape and violence have exploded across Sweden due to its immigration policies. These crimes are perpetrated (largely) by illiterate, unemployed, Muslim “refugees” from Africa and the Middle East. They are “reconquering” Europe and Europe isn't even putting up a fight!
Me: Then there are the "useful idiots", who bury their heads in the sand.
Jim: And we are the murder capital of the world
Trump is right the media is not covering the Swedish issue last night...
Jim “cut and pasted” something from Wikepedia:
I looked it up Sweden has expanded its definition of sexual assault here have been several international comparisons made, placing Sweden at the top end of the number of reported rapes. However, police procedures and legal definitions vary widely across countries, which makes it difficult to compare rape statistics.[8][9][10][11] For example, Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider in 2005,[3][4][8][12] which largely explains a significant increase in the number of reported rapes in the ten-year period of 2004-2013.[13][14] The Swedish police also record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries.[8][11][15] Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of rape cases, in an effort to increase the number of crimes reported.[8][14][16][17] Raised awareness and a shifting attitude of sexual crimes in Sweden,[note 1][18] which has been ranked as the number one country in gender equality,[19] may also explain the relatively high rates of reported rape.[8][11][20]
Me: Jim, are you going to deny and explain away (with statistical analysis, even) the cultural sea change toward violence and sexual assault that has overtaken Sweden (France, Germany etc.) as a result of a mass influx of (mostly Muslim) refugees? Are you going to disbelieve your own eyes? How many videos do I have to post showing angry crowds of Muslims shouting "Death to America" or assaulting women before you accept the truth? (What? You think these videos were filmed at the Republican National Convention?)
My gosh, man! Hitler announced, long before he wrested power: "We're going to kill all the Jews!" But the Jews in Germany just sat in the audience saying to themselves and others "He doesn't mean us, of course, we're his biggest fans!" One ought not be so open-minded his brain falls out! All peoples, cultures and religions are NOT the same! Some are downright evil. Those who murder innocents in the name of God, teaching others to do likewise, believing death is preferable to life, are particularly deleterious.
Being compassionate toward others does NOT require that we bring them to US. We can help them THERE, in their own lands and cultures, among their own peoples, practicing their own religions. We don't have to BECOME them to help them. Their goal, however, is to make US one with THEM.
Jim: Hey Will what happened Friday night in Sweden? Even the Swedes don't know? He will stats don't add up...how about those Christians killing people in church, schools, and theaters in this country. All white.....
Me: Can you believe the governments of Europe -- just like the states attorneys general, the media and others in the US -- minimize and obfuscate racial (and religious) statistics, going so far as to omit references to the RACE of perpetrators, so as not to "stereotype" or incite bigotry, as if race were NOT a key distinguishing characteristic in describing culprits?
My children do this. At a football game there were MANY large and burly men. Only one was black. I actually witnessed my son trying to describe which man was the coach of the other team -- referencing everything from his hair color to the clothes he was wearing to his size and muscles -- ANYTHING but his most definable and easily recognizable feature: he was black! The only black man on the entire field! Referencing his skin color, he could be singled out in less than a second! But my son took several seconds describing EVERY OTHER feature. He had been conditioned to do so; that it was "impolite" to acknowledge that all men are NOT created "equal". (As if being black were something to be "ashamed" of or ought not be mentioned).
The media do this with extraordinary alacrity. COUNTLESS crimes are reported, committed by blacks and Hispanics, with NO reference to race whatsoever! This is political correctness run amok.
The current establishment don't want to admit the DISASTER that unregulated immigration has been -- both for US and for them. Hence, they MINIMIZE the consequences (and any potential backlash of popular opinion) by understating (and not reporting!) WHO, exactly, is committing these crimes. Law enforcement and government agencies actually SUPPRESS racial and nation-of-origin statistics, as if knowing that HUGE percentages of crimes being committed by blacks, Hispanics and illegal aliens FAR IN EXCESS of the general population is NOT important for US to know.
Refugee Immigration has been a DISASTER for Sweden, France, Germany and elsewhere. The powers that be CAN'T admit that THEY are responsible for the murdering, rioting, theft, sexual assault, and mayhem! They CAN'T ADMIT that MUSLIMS are running down people in trucks, murdering people in theaters, raping women in parks, and rioting in the streets saying they are "victims". They must HIDE all this and perpetuate the myth that "nothing is wrong here" -- just like our government hides the national debt and deficit, unemployment statistics, death and disability due to vaccines, the crisis of Social Security, etc.
Self-serving governments rely upon useful idiots to perpetuate their schemes and cover their tracks. Don't be one of them.
Jim: There is a disproportionate amount of minorities in prison in US...but then you have to ask why? I realize that our country has issues I watch the orange man spew crap...yes I believe in the staticall data...do not feel a conspiracy to pull one over on the American people other than the powers in place....so what happened Friday that Potus was spewing about...Sweden wants to know...or those mass shootings in USA by white Christians?
Me: Holy cow, Jim! You have your head so far up your ass, my friend, that you can't even see the light! Did you read ANYTHING I just wrote? Your apparent "shot gun" denials has you "seeing" everything but understanding NOTHING! How about we address ONE topic at a time? (Instead of always responding "but...but...white person..." or "but...but...Republicans....") Don't let your biases and prejudices preclude your vision!
Do you DENY that a Muslim in Nice wasn't very: running down dozens of Christmas shoppers? That Muslims stormed a theater in Paris, slaughtering and torturing innocents?
I appended an article for reference:
Do you deny that, in the past few years, one Muslim slaughtered dozens in a nightclub in Orlando, two Muslims slaughtered over a dozen in San Bernardino, and countless Muslims have slaughtered tens of thousands of Christians worldwide, driving them from formerly Christian enclaves and countries?
Where are the marches of Christians in the streets shouting "Death to Iran" or "Death to Muslims and Jews"? It's RIDICULOUS how you equate a single drop of Christian bigotry (arguably found SOMEWHERE) with an entire OCEAN of Muslim hatred, violence and bigotry found ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE!
There are a disproportionate number of hispanics and blacks in prison because a disproportionate number of hispanics and blacks commit A DISPROPORTIONATE AMOUNT OF CRIME! Over 50% of all the murders in America are committed by just 3% of the population -- young black men! Same for other violent crimes! Illegal immigrants are FAR more likely to access welfare -- and STAY on welfare -- than the general population. These are facts. To deny them, under the guise of being politically correct, is willful ignorance. (Didn't you HATE the fact that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany "controlled" the news? Why do you tolerate it in America?)
What "crap" did President Trump spew Saturday? Did he mention "terrorist attacks" in Sweden specifically? Or did he reference the general lawlessness I speak of? Did you watch the video? What would you call THAT?
And PLEASE point me to "those mass shootings in the USA by white Christians". I'd like to start keeping tabs. I'll punch myself in the face EVERY TIME a "Christian" (ANYWHERE in the world) murders an innocent bystander while shouting "Praise the Lord!" if you'll punch yourself in the face every time a Muslim in, let's say, just Europe (to keep it fair) murders someone screaming "Allahu Akbar" (or "God is the greatest!").
Care to take that bet?
I appended a link documenting the government suppression of information regarding the gruesome torture of victims by Muslim terrorists in France:
Jim: Ps we are having a candlelight vigil for Sweden you are invited...in fact we are using same candles from Bowling Green vigil
Again the media hasn't really covered this tragedy but our thoughts are with Sweden at this time
If Jim weren't my neighbor and good friend, I'd think he were a troll! He certainly enjoys goading me!
Jim: Ps we are having a candlelight vigil for Sweden you are invited...in fact we are using same candles from Bowling Green vigil
Again the media hasn't really covered this tragedy but our thoughts are with Sweden at this time
If Jim weren't my neighbor and good friend, I'd think he were a troll! He certainly enjoys goading me!
Me: You know, Jim, this is just another example of "fake news".
Please point me to Trump's quote from Saturday that you mock so much. I listened to the campaign rally speech TWICE, as a matter of fact, and I didn't hear what you apparently heard. Please enlighten me.
Here's an example: USA Today (always left-wing) "twists" what Trump said, making it SEEM he referenced some specific attack on Friday rather than the general uptick in lawlessness in Sweden that is so apparent.
I appended a link to an article in USA Today:
Note that the USA Today article is DERISIVE throughout, even as it downplays Trump's LEGITIMATE reference to surging violence and lawlessness in Sweden. Again, Jim, just as you do, the Left MINIMIZES the evidence corroborating the FAILURE of the policies of the Left and, instead, points the finger elsewhere. Can't we just acknowledge the truth without blinders and filters on? Does EVERYTHING have to fit OUR "agenda" before we'll acknowledge it as truthful?
Jim: I have not seen anything truthful...still waiting on what happened Friday nite in Sweden....let's not forget who coined alternative facts...let's not forget how smooth his presidency is going...lol...let's not forget he had to get rid of his national security adviser after 3 weeks on the job ..
Someone name Karla Roberts chimed in:
Karla: I have learned is that staunch Trump supporters refuse to admit that their candidate is mentally unstable and "very, very bad" for our Country. They will find absolutely no fault and will defend him despite the apparent falsehoods/mistakes. No need to educate them about it, they refuse to be reasonably intelligent about the things they are claiming/defending.
Jim: Oh by the way here are some Christian school killing people in the name of Christianity.....
Me: More finger pointing. More "buh, buh...look over there!" Yes, President Trump probably MISSPOKE about "Friday night". What probably happened is he LEARNED about (or saw the report about) the upsurge in violence and rape being committed by Muslim refugees ON FRIDAY NIGHT and mentioned it. (I saw the report on Friday night, too, as it happens. I could EASILY have made that reference myself.)
Jim: Yep he said look what happened last night in Sweden...so what happened in Sweden...The idiot was watching a documentary and couldn't figure it out and that's where the finger settles on...himself
I didn't know you were Potus..where he speaks for entire free world...he took a documentary as fact and reported it specifically to Friday night...you are still invited to vigil
I would be interested if he included in his band Saudi Arabia after all didn't they have something to do with some aircraft? So his business dealings don't allow him ...he's a farce
He misspoke? About fraud elections? About winning electoral election by widest margin ever? Or his relationship with Putin......lol
Me: Jim, your reference to "some Christian school killing people in the name of Christianity" was incoherent. Where is that happening? When did that happen? Show me.
I'm NOT arguing that so-called "Christians" DON'T kill others. Heck! The vast majority of Americans -- including blacks and hispanics -- are "Christians". Are we therefore to assert that MOST murders and crimes committed in America are "Christian" crimes, done "in the name of Jesus!"? Absurd!
I said "I'll punch myself in the face EVERY TIME a "Christian" (ANYWHERE in the world) murders an innocent bystander while shouting "Praise the Lord!" if you'll punch yourself in the face every time a Muslim in (let's just say) Europe (to keep it fair) murders someone screaming "Allahu Akbar" or "God is the greatest!".
There are, no doubt, Christians who kill abortionists "in the name of Jesus". Are they right for doing so? (If you saw a man in a schoolyard killing innocent children, would you do EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER to stop him, including kill him)? I think many abortion opponents see the controversy in these stark terms.)
I don't condone lawless violence (of any kind), ESPECIALLY when perpetrated by those who take innocent life intentionally. To equate "Christians" who murder abortionists (arguable "murderers" themselves) with Muslims (whose very religion DEMANDS the slaughter of "infidels", be they Christian or Jew, women and children, even other Muslims!) is to demonstrate moral relativism on an absurd scale! Details, Jim! Details! Show me a cultural and religious CHRISTIAN movement (supported by hundreds of millions world-wide) that SUPPORTS the mass-murder (or subjugation) of non-Christians? You can't do it! But THAT is PRECISELY what Islam is!
I will say, in closing, you MIGHT say that "America" itself is a manifestation of murderous bigotry; that the Conquistadors slaughtered pagan savages "in the name of Jesus" etc.; that England hegemonically expanded its frontiers around globe in the 17-19th centuries "in the name of God, King and Country" just as America has done in the 19th-21st centuries "for truth, justice and the American way". I think you'd have a valid point.
But the days of "converting pagans to Christianity or killing them" are over, at least for Americans. (You'd be as hard-pressed to find a murderous "Christian" missionary as you would a virgin on the Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad! Yet Islam has hundreds of thousands of them!)
Jim: Army of God
I gave you the names of the shooters or victims you can look them up
Me: Gosh, Jim! You keep rambling! A mile wide and a millimeter deep! I could spend ALL DAY dispelling the "fake news" controversies. (But I'd be going up against a MONOLITH of misinformation, obfuscation and intentional, willful ignorance.) SNL is NOT a news outlet! The MAJORITY of mainstream news today is INFOTAINMENT, masquerading as "news" and "facts". EVERYTHING is biased, from the Right AND the Left. Ironically, Trump is refreshingly CENTRIST. (I wish you could see that. There's a little bit of "something" for EVERYONE in Trump. A former Democrat. Hillary supporter. Draft-dodger. Liar and cheat. Womanizer. Failure in business. Serial philanderer. Married to an immigrant. (Representing the Left). Current Republican. Hillary-attacker. Supports the military. Truth-teller. Respects and promotes women and women's issues. A business success. Faithfully married. Supports LEGAL immigration. (Representing the Right). Quintessentially American!
Jim: I don't watch snl I watch Potus and his minnions
There is nothing for me with Trump...the crap that comes out of the him is crap
He's a fear monger...you have a 29 % chance of being hit by lightning than a terrorist attack
Faithfully married..he has 3 marriages and 5 kids from these women....lol
So how's that Saudi ban going?
Me: Okay, Jim, I read about your "Christian terrorists". More Christians and gays are killed on ANY GIVEN DAY OF THE WEEK by Muslims than ANYONE your "Army of God" has killed in ITS ENTIRE EXISTENCE.
Would you advocate the unvetted importation to America of ANY members of these groups you decry, as maligned and mistreated "victims" of irrational religious and racial bigotry? I doubt it!
I appended an article: “6 Modern-Day Christian Terrorist Groups You Never Hear About”
Please point me to Trump's quote from Saturday that you mock so much. I listened to the campaign rally speech TWICE, as a matter of fact, and I didn't hear what you apparently heard. Please enlighten me.
Here's an example: USA Today (always left-wing) "twists" what Trump said, making it SEEM he referenced some specific attack on Friday rather than the general uptick in lawlessness in Sweden that is so apparent.
I appended a link to an article in USA Today:
Note that the USA Today article is DERISIVE throughout, even as it downplays Trump's LEGITIMATE reference to surging violence and lawlessness in Sweden. Again, Jim, just as you do, the Left MINIMIZES the evidence corroborating the FAILURE of the policies of the Left and, instead, points the finger elsewhere. Can't we just acknowledge the truth without blinders and filters on? Does EVERYTHING have to fit OUR "agenda" before we'll acknowledge it as truthful?
Jim: I have not seen anything truthful...still waiting on what happened Friday nite in Sweden....let's not forget who coined alternative facts...let's not forget how smooth his presidency is going...lol...let's not forget he had to get rid of his national security adviser after 3 weeks on the job ..
Someone name Karla Roberts chimed in:
Karla: I have learned is that staunch Trump supporters refuse to admit that their candidate is mentally unstable and "very, very bad" for our Country. They will find absolutely no fault and will defend him despite the apparent falsehoods/mistakes. No need to educate them about it, they refuse to be reasonably intelligent about the things they are claiming/defending.
Jim: Oh by the way here are some Christian school killing people in the name of Christianity.....
- Frank Roque murdered in Wisconsin thought were Muslim..Sikhs
- Wade Page murdered 6 in Wisconsin couldn't tell the difference
- Dr George Tiller killed by Scott Roeder
- David Atkinson killed 2, 7 injured
- Dr John Britton and bodyguard killed by Paul Hill
- Eric Rudolph killed 2, injured 111
- Murder of Barrett Stephanie by Charles Kapp
- Killing of 2 receptionists by John Salvi
- Suicide attack at IRS building 2 fatalities
- Death of Alan Berg
- Dylan Round
- Robert Dear
Me: More finger pointing. More "buh, buh...look over there!" Yes, President Trump probably MISSPOKE about "Friday night". What probably happened is he LEARNED about (or saw the report about) the upsurge in violence and rape being committed by Muslim refugees ON FRIDAY NIGHT and mentioned it. (I saw the report on Friday night, too, as it happens. I could EASILY have made that reference myself.)
Jim: Yep he said look what happened last night in Sweden...so what happened in Sweden...The idiot was watching a documentary and couldn't figure it out and that's where the finger settles on...himself
I didn't know you were Potus..where he speaks for entire free world...he took a documentary as fact and reported it specifically to Friday night...you are still invited to vigil
I would be interested if he included in his band Saudi Arabia after all didn't they have something to do with some aircraft? So his business dealings don't allow him ...he's a farce
He misspoke? About fraud elections? About winning electoral election by widest margin ever? Or his relationship with Putin......lol
Me: Jim, your reference to "some Christian school killing people in the name of Christianity" was incoherent. Where is that happening? When did that happen? Show me.
I'm NOT arguing that so-called "Christians" DON'T kill others. Heck! The vast majority of Americans -- including blacks and hispanics -- are "Christians". Are we therefore to assert that MOST murders and crimes committed in America are "Christian" crimes, done "in the name of Jesus!"? Absurd!
I said "I'll punch myself in the face EVERY TIME a "Christian" (ANYWHERE in the world) murders an innocent bystander while shouting "Praise the Lord!" if you'll punch yourself in the face every time a Muslim in (let's just say) Europe (to keep it fair) murders someone screaming "Allahu Akbar" or "God is the greatest!".
There are, no doubt, Christians who kill abortionists "in the name of Jesus". Are they right for doing so? (If you saw a man in a schoolyard killing innocent children, would you do EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER to stop him, including kill him)? I think many abortion opponents see the controversy in these stark terms.)
I don't condone lawless violence (of any kind), ESPECIALLY when perpetrated by those who take innocent life intentionally. To equate "Christians" who murder abortionists (arguable "murderers" themselves) with Muslims (whose very religion DEMANDS the slaughter of "infidels", be they Christian or Jew, women and children, even other Muslims!) is to demonstrate moral relativism on an absurd scale! Details, Jim! Details! Show me a cultural and religious CHRISTIAN movement (supported by hundreds of millions world-wide) that SUPPORTS the mass-murder (or subjugation) of non-Christians? You can't do it! But THAT is PRECISELY what Islam is!
I will say, in closing, you MIGHT say that "America" itself is a manifestation of murderous bigotry; that the Conquistadors slaughtered pagan savages "in the name of Jesus" etc.; that England hegemonically expanded its frontiers around globe in the 17-19th centuries "in the name of God, King and Country" just as America has done in the 19th-21st centuries "for truth, justice and the American way". I think you'd have a valid point.
But the days of "converting pagans to Christianity or killing them" are over, at least for Americans. (You'd be as hard-pressed to find a murderous "Christian" missionary as you would a virgin on the Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad! Yet Islam has hundreds of thousands of them!)
Jim: Army of God
I gave you the names of the shooters or victims you can look them up
Me: Gosh, Jim! You keep rambling! A mile wide and a millimeter deep! I could spend ALL DAY dispelling the "fake news" controversies. (But I'd be going up against a MONOLITH of misinformation, obfuscation and intentional, willful ignorance.) SNL is NOT a news outlet! The MAJORITY of mainstream news today is INFOTAINMENT, masquerading as "news" and "facts". EVERYTHING is biased, from the Right AND the Left. Ironically, Trump is refreshingly CENTRIST. (I wish you could see that. There's a little bit of "something" for EVERYONE in Trump. A former Democrat. Hillary supporter. Draft-dodger. Liar and cheat. Womanizer. Failure in business. Serial philanderer. Married to an immigrant. (Representing the Left). Current Republican. Hillary-attacker. Supports the military. Truth-teller. Respects and promotes women and women's issues. A business success. Faithfully married. Supports LEGAL immigration. (Representing the Right). Quintessentially American!
Jim: I don't watch snl I watch Potus and his minnions
There is nothing for me with Trump...the crap that comes out of the him is crap
He's a fear monger...you have a 29 % chance of being hit by lightning than a terrorist attack
Faithfully married..he has 3 marriages and 5 kids from these women....lol
So how's that Saudi ban going?
Me: Okay, Jim, I read about your "Christian terrorists". More Christians and gays are killed on ANY GIVEN DAY OF THE WEEK by Muslims than ANYONE your "Army of God" has killed in ITS ENTIRE EXISTENCE.
Would you advocate the unvetted importation to America of ANY members of these groups you decry, as maligned and mistreated "victims" of irrational religious and racial bigotry? I doubt it!
I appended an article: “6 Modern-Day Christian Terrorist Groups You Never Hear About”
Me: Jim, in high-lighting Trump's "virtues and vices" I acknowledge the OBVIOUS inconsistencies, incongruities, and disparities. Are you saying that Trump is currently cheating on his current wife (as he has on past wives)? No? Then he is "faithful" (while EVERYONE ACKNOWLEDGES that he has been "unfaithful"). As I wrote, there's a little bit of something for EVERYONE to hang their hat on with Trump. And, by the way, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a recognized Left-leaning organization. The claims it makes here GROSSLY equate MINUSCULE "Christian terrorist" organizations and groups with Islam -- a religion embraced by BILLIONS.
The only Muslims who DON'T support murdering (or oppressing) Christians, Jews and other "infidels" are those "moderate" Muslims who DON'T practice their religion as it is preached and required by the Qur'an (much like Catholics who don't go to church, read their Bible, keep the commandments or believe in the Pope, but still call themselves "Catholic").
Did I make myself clear? Would you IMPORT "Army of God" members to America, or allow them entry, unvetted, as some "persecuted religious minority"? No? Then why would you let Muslims in, when their very religion DEMANDS "death to Jews" and "death to America"?
It's nonsense!
And, ironically, many Jews will be the first to welcome these "Jew-haters" in with open arms, not remembering what happened when Jews buried their heads in the sand in Germany.
The failure of Trump to ban ALL Muslims should not preclude him from banning ANY Muslims, just as America's selling of alcohol to adults doesn't prevent the lawful prohibition of selling alcohol to minors. For political and practical purposes, the Administration has concluded, apparently, that Saudi Arabia does NOT present as great a threat to American stability and security as these other countries do.
I imagine the ban was largely, if not entirely, CULTURALLY and DEMOGRAPHICALLY targeted. Saudi Arabians are NOT emigrating to America in large numbers, but Somalis ARE! Hundreds of thousands of them! They are CHANGING the culture and demographics of America. Whole swaths of cities are being transformed. It's like entering a Third World now in many American cities and suburbs, with the same lawlessness, poverty, and social convulsion. America is being OVERTHROWN by immigration!
YOU would not want to live in THAT America. (You don't want to live in Somalia! Or even Mexico!) Why would you import "that" country here, with ALL of its people and problems? Help them THERE! (You don't have to give up your own bed to help someone else find a place to sleep!)
The fact that Trump interjected “last night” into his remarks (observing the general lawlessness and terrorism on the rise with regard to refugees) gives the Left opportunity to attack him, as if something had to happen "last night" to warrant drawing attention to the calamitous influx of violent, predatory Muslims in Europe.
Three weeks ago Kellyanne Conway, a counselor to the president, mistakenly referred to “Bowling Green” as a “massacre”, when, in actuality, it was the locus for terrorist activity (Muslim terrorists storing and moving weapons) to plan and commit terrorism in the United States and massacres abroad. (These terrorists were apprehended and sentenced to life in prison. The fingerprints of one were found on an improvised explosive device in Iraq. How many people have these men killed already?)
With the Left, if you DON'T get the story EXACTLY right, they discount EVERYTHING you say and call you a liar. (Even if you DO get the story EXACTLY right, they will attack, dismiss and misrepresent what you say.) Meanwhile, they don't even have to APPROXIMATE the truth themselves, but can use satire and outright lying to misrepresent your position. Ms. Conway was “thinking on her feet”, not reading a speech. The fact that she misspoke, or even misunderstood and misrepresented the actual facts several times, in NO WAY impugns the seriousness of her assertions or minimizes the threat of unregulated, mass importation of people hell-bent on destroying our culture and way of life. Mocking those seeking to protect U.S., the Left will laugh themselves silly...to their graves.
An example of the mockery employed (even in this fairly-well-balanced article) is given below:
I appended a New York Times article:
Jim: Nope the Saudis get a free shot eh?
Me: What are recommending, Jim? What is your goal?
Jim: That is when they started vetting people which now is a 2 Year process...BTW the incident you state is bowling Green
Me: Yeah...did you read my LONG comment about it above?
Jim: Continue with the vetting process...thinking on her feet? That's bs ...she's making up shit...but too late we had that vigil
You treat all countries equal....you just don't willy nilly but a ban in place call it freedom...most of the people want to get away from persecution
Me: But all countries AREN'T equal, Jim. Do you think Canadians are coming to America to KILL U.S.? Swedes? Chinese? Equadorians? But murderous Muslims are coming to America. MILLIONS have pledged to kill U.S....and they're coming here. If you wait too long to stop them, they gain control...and then ALL HELL breaks loose (as it is almost everywhere else). Don't be a dupe! You can help and protect the afflicted WHERE THEY ARE. You DON'T have to bring both the victim AND HIS ATTACKER to U.S.!
Jim: I don't live in paranoia...millions are not vetted...again better chance of being hit by lightning...so look up
Me: When it's YOUR kid who is killed, YOUR wife raped and ravished, when YOUR city is blown up or YOUR church bombed by Muslims, I'll remind you of the "statistical improbability" of it all.
She's making it up? Are you kidding me? You can see the videos of the Bowling Green terrorists unloading their guns! You think she just pulled "Bowling Green" out of thin air? If I said "San Bernardino", would you say "Now you're just making stuff up!"?
Jim, it's hopeless. You're a dyed-in-the-wool apologist for mass, unregulated immigration. (Why? I don't know.) Unregulated (and disproportionate) immigration (largely from Third World and war-torn countries) is absolutely CRAPPING UP American society.
You can see it in any public restroom, school classroom, urban neighborhood or welfare office. Heck! Just look at the jails! This ain't Aunt Bee's America anymore! We're now as dumb as a box of rocks, lawless, immoral and selfish. The "whiners" who break the law are complaining about being caught! Stupefaction on a national (even global) scale.
A woman named Lisa Hogan joined the debate:
Lisa: Going to the gym now...then coming back for the Waldron/Carter debate!
Me: Just to finalize all this, Jim...
Trump didn't END immigration, he temporarily SUSPENDED it -- from seven war-torn countries -- to put ADEQUATE vetting procedures in place.
Trump DIDN'T say Sweden suffered a terrorist attack on Friday, he said: "Here's the bottom line. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening LAST NIGHT in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris. We've allowed thousands and thousands of people into our country and there was no way to vet those people. There was no documentation. There was no nothing. So we're going to keep our country safe."
He DIDN'T say Sweden had a terrorist attack last night. If the ONLY THING you can complain about in that speech is his EXTEMPORANEOUS inclusion of TWO WORDS in that paragraph above, YOU'VE GOT NOTHING because EVERYTHING he said there was TRUTHFUL.
Kellyanne misspoke -- and, truthfully, misunderstood -- the context and nature of Bowling Green. (Who can keep up with all the Muslim terrorism, here and abroad? I can't fault her for not being "perfect" on it...but YOU do!) You don't DENY there's rampant Muslim terrorism here and elsewhere, you just say "look at lightning!", "look at Christians!", "treat everybody the same!"
Point me to those videos of mass WHITE youths rampaging through malls and looting 7-11s, or REPUBLICANS, CHRISTIANS or WHITES burning down businesses and overturning police cars. Please show me evidence that WHITE CHRISTIAN REPUBLICAN AMERICANS are forging documents, stealing identities and illegally crossing into Mexico to take advantage of lax and generous immigration and welfare laws, then committing crimes (like rape and murder) before sneaking back into the U.S. Please show me where it's the foundational doctrine of the Christian religion to kill Jews and Muslims and throw gays from rooftops.
Your "equality" is insanity! Cats and dogs are NOT the same! Muslims and Mormons, Jews and Christians, Baptists and Buddhists, Americans and Armenians are NOT the same! They don't value the same things, worship the same God or play by the same rules. You want to live in Afghanistan? Move to Afghanistan! Don't bring Afghanistan here!
Trump (as well as myself) want to welcome ALL people of good will to America...but only if they embrace and enhance AMERICA! Not destroy it! Not transform it! Not render it a ruin! (And that's what's happening ALMOST EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK where mass, unchecked, unfettered and unregulated immigration from the Third World is happening.)
And, quite frankly, God is LETTING it happen...because that's what we deserve (and so do they).
NOTE: Just as I thought! It turns out Trump was right after all!
Me: Jim, in high-lighting Trump's "virtues and vices" I acknowledge the OBVIOUS inconsistencies, incongruities, and disparities. Are you saying that Trump is currently cheating on his current wife (as he has on past wives)? No? Then he is "faithful" (while EVERYONE ACKNOWLEDGES that he has been "unfaithful"). As I wrote, there's a little bit of something for EVERYONE to hang their hat on with Trump. And, by the way, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a recognized Left-leaning organization. The claims it makes here GROSSLY equate MINUSCULE "Christian terrorist" organizations and groups with Islam -- a religion embraced by BILLIONS.
The only Muslims who DON'T support murdering (or oppressing) Christians, Jews and other "infidels" are those "moderate" Muslims who DON'T practice their religion as it is preached and required by the Qur'an (much like Catholics who don't go to church, read their Bible, keep the commandments or believe in the Pope, but still call themselves "Catholic").
Did I make myself clear? Would you IMPORT "Army of God" members to America, or allow them entry, unvetted, as some "persecuted religious minority"? No? Then why would you let Muslims in, when their very religion DEMANDS "death to Jews" and "death to America"?
It's nonsense!
And, ironically, many Jews will be the first to welcome these "Jew-haters" in with open arms, not remembering what happened when Jews buried their heads in the sand in Germany.
The failure of Trump to ban ALL Muslims should not preclude him from banning ANY Muslims, just as America's selling of alcohol to adults doesn't prevent the lawful prohibition of selling alcohol to minors. For political and practical purposes, the Administration has concluded, apparently, that Saudi Arabia does NOT present as great a threat to American stability and security as these other countries do.
I imagine the ban was largely, if not entirely, CULTURALLY and DEMOGRAPHICALLY targeted. Saudi Arabians are NOT emigrating to America in large numbers, but Somalis ARE! Hundreds of thousands of them! They are CHANGING the culture and demographics of America. Whole swaths of cities are being transformed. It's like entering a Third World now in many American cities and suburbs, with the same lawlessness, poverty, and social convulsion. America is being OVERTHROWN by immigration!
YOU would not want to live in THAT America. (You don't want to live in Somalia! Or even Mexico!) Why would you import "that" country here, with ALL of its people and problems? Help them THERE! (You don't have to give up your own bed to help someone else find a place to sleep!)
The fact that Trump interjected “last night” into his remarks (observing the general lawlessness and terrorism on the rise with regard to refugees) gives the Left opportunity to attack him, as if something had to happen "last night" to warrant drawing attention to the calamitous influx of violent, predatory Muslims in Europe.
Three weeks ago Kellyanne Conway, a counselor to the president, mistakenly referred to “Bowling Green” as a “massacre”, when, in actuality, it was the locus for terrorist activity (Muslim terrorists storing and moving weapons) to plan and commit terrorism in the United States and massacres abroad. (These terrorists were apprehended and sentenced to life in prison. The fingerprints of one were found on an improvised explosive device in Iraq. How many people have these men killed already?)
With the Left, if you DON'T get the story EXACTLY right, they discount EVERYTHING you say and call you a liar. (Even if you DO get the story EXACTLY right, they will attack, dismiss and misrepresent what you say.) Meanwhile, they don't even have to APPROXIMATE the truth themselves, but can use satire and outright lying to misrepresent your position. Ms. Conway was “thinking on her feet”, not reading a speech. The fact that she misspoke, or even misunderstood and misrepresented the actual facts several times, in NO WAY impugns the seriousness of her assertions or minimizes the threat of unregulated, mass importation of people hell-bent on destroying our culture and way of life. Mocking those seeking to protect U.S., the Left will laugh themselves silly...to their graves.
An example of the mockery employed (even in this fairly-well-balanced article) is given below:
I appended a New York Times article:
Jim: Nope the Saudis get a free shot eh?
Me: What are recommending, Jim? What is your goal?
Jim: That is when they started vetting people which now is a 2 Year process...BTW the incident you state is bowling Green
Me: Yeah...did you read my LONG comment about it above?
Jim: Continue with the vetting process...thinking on her feet? That's bs ...she's making up shit...but too late we had that vigil
You treat all countries equal....you just don't willy nilly but a ban in place call it freedom...most of the people want to get away from persecution
Me: But all countries AREN'T equal, Jim. Do you think Canadians are coming to America to KILL U.S.? Swedes? Chinese? Equadorians? But murderous Muslims are coming to America. MILLIONS have pledged to kill U.S....and they're coming here. If you wait too long to stop them, they gain control...and then ALL HELL breaks loose (as it is almost everywhere else). Don't be a dupe! You can help and protect the afflicted WHERE THEY ARE. You DON'T have to bring both the victim AND HIS ATTACKER to U.S.!
Jim: I don't live in paranoia...millions are not vetted...again better chance of being hit by lightning...so look up
Me: When it's YOUR kid who is killed, YOUR wife raped and ravished, when YOUR city is blown up or YOUR church bombed by Muslims, I'll remind you of the "statistical improbability" of it all.
She's making it up? Are you kidding me? You can see the videos of the Bowling Green terrorists unloading their guns! You think she just pulled "Bowling Green" out of thin air? If I said "San Bernardino", would you say "Now you're just making stuff up!"?
Jim, it's hopeless. You're a dyed-in-the-wool apologist for mass, unregulated immigration. (Why? I don't know.) Unregulated (and disproportionate) immigration (largely from Third World and war-torn countries) is absolutely CRAPPING UP American society.
You can see it in any public restroom, school classroom, urban neighborhood or welfare office. Heck! Just look at the jails! This ain't Aunt Bee's America anymore! We're now as dumb as a box of rocks, lawless, immoral and selfish. The "whiners" who break the law are complaining about being caught! Stupefaction on a national (even global) scale.
A woman named Lisa Hogan joined the debate:
Lisa: Going to the gym now...then coming back for the Waldron/Carter debate!


Me: Just to finalize all this, Jim...
Trump didn't END immigration, he temporarily SUSPENDED it -- from seven war-torn countries -- to put ADEQUATE vetting procedures in place.
Trump DIDN'T say Sweden suffered a terrorist attack on Friday, he said: "Here's the bottom line. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening LAST NIGHT in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris. We've allowed thousands and thousands of people into our country and there was no way to vet those people. There was no documentation. There was no nothing. So we're going to keep our country safe."
He DIDN'T say Sweden had a terrorist attack last night. If the ONLY THING you can complain about in that speech is his EXTEMPORANEOUS inclusion of TWO WORDS in that paragraph above, YOU'VE GOT NOTHING because EVERYTHING he said there was TRUTHFUL.
Kellyanne misspoke -- and, truthfully, misunderstood -- the context and nature of Bowling Green. (Who can keep up with all the Muslim terrorism, here and abroad? I can't fault her for not being "perfect" on it...but YOU do!) You don't DENY there's rampant Muslim terrorism here and elsewhere, you just say "look at lightning!", "look at Christians!", "treat everybody the same!"
Point me to those videos of mass WHITE youths rampaging through malls and looting 7-11s, or REPUBLICANS, CHRISTIANS or WHITES burning down businesses and overturning police cars. Please show me evidence that WHITE CHRISTIAN REPUBLICAN AMERICANS are forging documents, stealing identities and illegally crossing into Mexico to take advantage of lax and generous immigration and welfare laws, then committing crimes (like rape and murder) before sneaking back into the U.S. Please show me where it's the foundational doctrine of the Christian religion to kill Jews and Muslims and throw gays from rooftops.
Your "equality" is insanity! Cats and dogs are NOT the same! Muslims and Mormons, Jews and Christians, Baptists and Buddhists, Americans and Armenians are NOT the same! They don't value the same things, worship the same God or play by the same rules. You want to live in Afghanistan? Move to Afghanistan! Don't bring Afghanistan here!
Trump (as well as myself) want to welcome ALL people of good will to America...but only if they embrace and enhance AMERICA! Not destroy it! Not transform it! Not render it a ruin! (And that's what's happening ALMOST EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK where mass, unchecked, unfettered and unregulated immigration from the Third World is happening.)
And, quite frankly, God is LETTING it happen...because that's what we deserve (and so do they).
NOTE: Just as I thought! It turns out Trump was right after all!
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