Sunday, February 5, 2017

Ex uno multa

This is propaganda, pure and simple, delivered by a hired "Aryan-looking" propagandist. A clever trick to beguile you!

A "people" who share no common language, morals, values, culture, customs, traditions, ethnicity, history, religion or borders is NO PEOPLE AT ALL!

E pluribus unum. "Out of many, one." ONE language, ONE set of morals and values, ONE culture. Common customs, traditions and history. ONE ethnicity. ONE set of borders. THESE define any "people", any "nationality", any "nation". Without them, you have NOTHING.

Not some "magic dirt". Not some mythical "America".

Look at Japan. Visualize in your mind's eye what it means to be "Japanese". What do the Japanese look like, sound like, behave like, believe. Now THAT'S a people! THAT'S a culture! THAT'S a nation! (Not even second- and third-generation "foreigners" born in Japan are considered "Japanese" by the Japanese. The Japanese know better!)

Visualize what being "German" or "Italian", "French" or "English" meant just a few decades ago. You probably have a very clear idea in your mind, don't you? The "German" fellow is white, wears lederhosen (at least for Octoberfest!), 
speaks German, drinks beer, and doesn't have a very good sense of humor. The "Italian" guy is jovial, olive-complected, amorous with the ladies, speaks fast, waves his hands, drinks a LOT of wine, and is a lover, not a fighter! The "French" are, well, French: obnoxious, aloof, atheistic, proud, "refined". The "English"? Hardy "white" Christians with bloodlines in European nobility going back a thousand years. The "stock" of America.

What are these "people" and "nationalities" today? Mongrels. A "Brit" is almost as likely to be black as white, Muslim as Christian. (The mayor of London is was our American president, just a few weeks ago. *wink*) Germany, France, Italy are all being OVERRUN with immigrants. France is being torn apart by Muslim violence and bloodshed. These invaders share NOTHING in common with the French but the dirt they both covet.

This is America's future.

Go to the next 4th of July celebration here in La Jolla, California. You'll receive an education on what it means to be "American" now.

Oh, yeah, you'll see a FEW red, white and blue flags. But MOSTLY you won't hear or see ANYTHING that even REMOTELY reminds you of "America". You will hear "foreign" languages, smell "foreign" foods, see "foreign" faces and "foreign" clothes, and listen to "foreign" music that has NOTHING to do with the 4th of July.

Most of the people there, it seems, WON'T HAVE A CLUE what anyone is celebrating! (They're just there for the "party" and the fireworks.) They "officially" stopped playing "patriotic" music at this event years ago (so as not to "offend"). Either that, or nobody cares anymore.

"America" -- with one glaring racial division -- USED TO BE "one". One nation, under God, indivisible. America "operated" under ONE language, ONE set of common values, rules and laws. Americans shared common customs, ONE religion, largely ONE ethnicity, including a common history and culture. "America" was ONE people, a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that "all men" -- at least all of THOSE men -- "are created equal." 

(That proposition, by the way, is a lie.)

All men are NOT created equal. NONE of us is equal. We are NOT the same. As those differences multiply, our "unity" diminishes. As a "people", we become "diluted" and "shattered". Diversity + proximity = war. 

Good fences make good neighbors.

These were lessons that were commonly taught and understood just a generation or two ago. They were learned and passed down after millennia of experience with war and "diversity".

"Diversity" is NOT strength! Diversity is WEAKNESS! It is positively Orwellian what has become of U.S. in my lifetime.

Our national motto is no longer "E pluribus unum." It is "Ex uno multa": of one, many.

Edit: Of course Ann Coulter had something to say about this!


  1. ...and his name is JOHN CENA!!!!

    1. Well, thank you for clearing that up. (But it doesn't change anything.) ;o)
