Friday, February 10, 2017

"Nephite" America

Living in the Americas cerca 74 B.C. were a people known as Nephites, a nation of mostly fair-skinned immigrants from across the Atlantic, who practiced written law, monarchal (followed by republican) rule, and religion, worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the name of Jesus Christ.

And now the design of the Nephites was to support their lands, and their houses, and their wives, and their children, that they might preserve them from the hands of their enemies; and also that they might preserve their rights and their privileges, yea, and also their liberty, that they might worship God according to their desires.” (Alma 43:9.)

Another group of immigrants, called Lamanites, rose up in opposition to the Nephites. They were darker skinned, having mixed their seed with the indigenous population. These Lamanites sought to "take back" Nephite lands and overthrow the Nephite's religion, government and way of life.

The Lamanites hated the Nephites, for sure, but they more hated any Lamanite who sided with the Nephites. Anyone who practiced the religion or politics of the Nephites, or who even called themselves Nephite, was targeted for destruction (or subjugation).

The Nephites, wary of being attacked and enslaved by radicalized militant "foreigners", nonetheless had compassion on Lamanites who renounced all violence and their murderous designs. The Nephites welcomed professing Christian Lamanite refugees to immigrate to Nephite lands. These former Lamanites pledged to contribute their toil and treasure to upholding Nephite values and support Nephite armies in defense of their countrymen. These immigrants became a great blessing, rather than a curse, to the Nephites. (See Alma 43:12-13.)

(Do you see parallels with our day?)

Ironically, there were many dissenters among the Nephites – formerly a God-fearing, religious, and law-abiding people – who crossed over and sided with the Lamanites! Like the Lamanites, these dissenters lusted for power and privilege (both political and economic) and became almost as numerous as the Nephites themselves! When coupled with the Lamanites, these dissenters became even more numerous, in fact. 

Thus the Nephites were rendered a minority in their own country and were thereafter compelled to fight for their lives, even their very existence. Self-loathing, idolatrous and anti-Christian Nephites renounced their former national identity, even the color of their fair skins, marking themselves with dye to pledge allegiance to the Nephite's enemies. (See Alma 3:13-18.)

Americans today have joined the Taliban and support ISIS, even as “domestic” terrorists and enemies of our republic have “transformed” and subverted our culture, demographics, and institutions over time. It is no coincidence that those who champion this “transformation" almost universally support the murder of innocent, unwanted, pre-born children...while importing new ones! They have embraced the spirit of the devil, who is a liar and a murderer from the beginning. He is anti-Christ and so are they.

The unrighteous Nephites became hardened in their iniquity, stirring up “little dissensions and disturbances” here and there (see Alma 45:21), to the point that “...they grew proud, being lifted up in their hearts, because of their exceedingly great riches; therefore they grew rich in their own eyes, and would not give walk uprightly before God.” (Alma 45:24.)

Among those who no longer controlled Nephite government (and were as mad as hell about it!) arose “a large and a strong man” whom the dissenters wanted to make their king. The “greater part” of those who supported him were

...the lower judges of the land, and they were seeking for power.
5 And they had been led by the flatteries of [this man], that if they would support him and establish him to be their king that he would make them rulers over the people.
6 Thus they were led away by [this man] to dissensions...
7 And there were many...who believed in the flattering words of [this man], therefore they dissented...and thus were the affairs of the people of Nephi exceedingly precarious and dangerous, notwithstanding their great victory which they had had over the Lamanites, and their great rejoicings which they had had because of their deliverance by the hand of the Lord.” (Alma 46:4-7.)

(If you do not see the parallels between these events and our day, you are blinded, ignorant or asleep.)

An historian of that time commented:

8 Thus we see how quick the children of men do forget the Lord their God, yea, how quick to do iniquity, and to be led away by the evil one.
9 Yea, and we also see the great wickedness one very wicked man can cause to take place among the children of men.
10 Yea, we see that [this man], because he was a man of cunning device and a man of many flattering words, that he led away the hearts of many people to do wickedly; yea, and to seek to destroy the church of God, and to destroy the foundation of liberty which God had granted unto them, or which blessing God had sent upon the face of the land for the righteous’ sake. (Alma 46:8-10.)

In response to this wicked, loquacious, and flattering man who sought to “transform” and overthrow the Nephite nation, another courageous patriot arose. He rallied his people to defend their country and their culture against all enemies, foreign and domestic, hoisting a sort-of flag “[i]n memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children.” (See Alma 46:12-16.) This champion appealed to those religious Christians who cherished their freedoms and loved peace, but who were also willing to fight, if necessary, to protect and defend their wives and children from destruction.

Now it came to pass, in the course of not many years, that the people who were not in power – and who were still mad as hell about it – wanted to overthrow the free government of the people and to establish a king over the land. They called themselves “kingmen” while those who sided with the elected government were called “freemen”. When the elected leader of the Nephites refused to relinquish his authority to the kingmen (a group lead by lower judges, mind you), the kingmen rebelled! They were so angry with the duly elected leader of the government “and also with the people of liberty, that they", the kingmen, "would not take up arms to defend their country.” (Alma 46:13.) In fact, these kingmen threw open their country's borders and welcomed the Nephite's enemies to invade! (These quislings naively presumed that their enemies would suffer being “ruled over” by elitist kingmen!)

(Surely you see more parallels here!)

The ensuing conflict between kingmen and freemen led to a Nephite civil war...precisely at a time when the Nephites came under attack by a foreign army.

(Is that, too, our fate?)

Because of these dissensions and lust for power and control by unruly kingmen, and incursions by foreign invaders, the Nephites were plunged into 15 years of war, losing many cities, much ground and many people before peace and the rule of law were restored.

Nevertheless, within 500 years, the Nephites were all but exterminated. They were hunted down and killed – or bred out of existence – by their enemies.

We are not there yet. But we do have “kingmen” and "dissenters" in our midst: those who oppose our Christian faith and values, our constitutional republican government, and our way of life.

David Brock used to be a vocal Republican. He has since become a Democrat. After losing the last election, Mr. Brock and his allies marshalled their forces to oppose all things Trump. They now seek to overthrow the duly elected government. This is their battle plan:

We have the mandate.

Together, we won the popular vote and Democrats picked up seats in the Senate and the House.

Trump is the least popular incoming president in modern history1 and the outgoing present and popular vote winner are again the most admired man and woman in the nation.

The country did not vote for Trump-style change.2

Trump has the legal authority, but we have the moral authority – and the moral responsibility – to oppose him.

We will fight, every day.

We are going to fight for the things in which we believe, and we are going to fight against any attempt to erode the cornerstone work and values of the progressive movement and this pluralistic nation.3

We are going to resist the normalization of Donald Trump. His every conflict of interest, his every bit of cronyism, his every move toward authoritarianism, his every subversion of our democratic systems and principles, his every radical departure from foreign and domestic policy norms.4

You would do well to fully study their new “playbook”.

The strategy of the Left is “to resist the normalization of Donald Trump.” To oppose everything he does and stands for. Even if what he does is exactly what his predecessor – the champion of the Left, Barack Obama – did! Practiced hypocrisy is no deterrent to them. Nor is lying by the entrenched Republican establishment in Washington! These parties rely on lying – and the gullibility of “useful idiots” on either side of the aisle – to gain political control and economic power. They use the courts when the people cannot be persuaded to do as they please.

These narcissists cannot subsist on their own; they must have a parasitic host to feed upon and control. Consequently they gravitate toward cities and government employment, singlehood, sex-without-consequences, and the welfare state. Their “host” is the American Christian (primarily white) middle class. They will not stop draining their host of vitality until either they or America's white middle class Christians are subjugated and destroyed.


1 Emphasis on “incoming”. As Vox Day reported on January 26, 2017: “from July 20, 2009 to January 17, 2017, Barack Obama never enjoyed as high a Presidential Approval Rating, at 59 percent, that Donald Trump presently has. Obama peaked at 67 percent on January 25, 2009, and it was literally all downhill from there.” As Vox is fond of saying: “SWJs (Social Justice Warriors) ALWAYS lie.” They do! And that is how you can detect (and expose) them. They will NEVER fully admit the truth.
2 Another lie. The Left lives in denial. And they project!
3 Socialism and fascism are, indeed, the "cornerstone" of the Left's movement. The Left abhors E pluribus unum, embracing, rather, Ex uno multa: “from one, many”.
4 In other words, the Left is going to continue to pretend to oppose everything they incessantly do.



  1. I think you make an apt comparison to the left, but I think you've under-represented the sorry state of so-called "Christian America".

    We are a divided, godless bunch, too.

    Jesus Christ is the only one who can save this sorry country and most "Christians" have instead put all their faith in a wicked man named Donald J Trump who promises to do something only the Son of God is capable of doing. He can't and he won't. He'll at least attempt to fix things for the sake of the Christians who elected him, but it will be an attempt where we see just how powerful of a strangle-hold the adversary has on us — even when we didn't elect his little puppet whore.

    I hate to say it, and I hope I'm wrong, but I have a feeling this whole country's going down.

  2. I wish Mr. Trump well, but, like you, I hold out little hope for ANY secular "resurrection" of American "greatness" or virtue.

    As Alexis de Tocqueville observed: "America is great because America is good. And if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

    I think we are PAST that point now. (MAYBE we can get it ONLY by a SPIRITUAL reformation.)

    You are SPOT ON: American "Christendom" is in a state of apostasy and moral relativism. "Christians" are practically indistinguishable from "unbelievers" in terms of lifestyle, devotions and comportment. (People often complain we find no "Nephite" artifacts in Central America. But I would wonder if archeologists 2000 years from now will be able to differentiate between "Christian" households and "non-Christian" households of the 21st century. I doubt it!)
