Friday, December 11, 2015

Don't hold your breath

This will truly be in 200 words or less.

I’m saddened, mystified and astonished that the whole world, it seems, has been taken in by the fraud and folly known as "global climate change"; that anyone would classify essential-to-life carbon dioxide as a "pollutant"; or assume our temperature to be "perfect," to be preserved at all costs (trillions of dollars) or imagine we could change it, or assume it hasn’t always. The hubris, ignorance, audacity and deceit on display (for those who lead this parade surely know they are frauds) are unparalleled. It is as if the whole world were convinced our earth rests on the back of a turtle!

This conspiracy is perpetrated by socialists and crony capitalists seeking to enrich themselves by holding the reins of power and becoming entrenched in the global monetary stream. It is the ultimate power grab and excuse for implementing one-world, totalitarian government. Under its guise, every nation will lose its sovereignty, every breath will be classified as a “danger” to humanity, subject to penalty and control.

Those of us who recognize this folly are not “climate-change deniers.” We are realists who understand the truth.


  1. I agree with you though I guess I never saw it in the context of being an attempt to create a one-world government.

    Now, this might sound crazy, but I have followed Benjamin Creme Share International closely over the years, and I believe it’s exactly that — a power grab organization focused on creating a one-world government, with *way* more power and influence than they get credit for among top UN representatives and all over the world. It’s at the very least an interesting organization.

    I guess I kind of put two and two together when I read your post that indeed, the climate change hoax could be used as the rallying point for world rule, and indeed this hoax’s message fits hand-in-hand with Share International’s beliefs and agenda.

    1. I've never heard of Benjamin Creme or Share International until now.

  2. Well at the very least it's an interesting organization, and he's an interesting person. From what I understand, Share International is more well-connected with the most powerful people in the world than most realize or care to know.

  3. Even if climate change is a grand conspiracy, heaven forbid we actually try to be good stewards of the planet... Please take 2 minutes and read this:

  4. BS Tree,

    It's NOT about being "good stewards of the planet." Just "doing something" -- especially at the cost of trillions of dollars -- to make ourselves feel better is WORSE than doing nothing.

    Absolutely NO ONE (except those profiting from it) are FOR pollution, waste, etc. Carbon dioxide is not (and never has been) a global pollutant. It is HEAVIER than common air and, as a consequence, settles to the earth's surface where plants metabolize and absorb it, turning our "waste" into useful materials like wood, vegetables, and the oxygen we breathe! The idea that CO2 needs to be unnaturally "sequestered" or minimized is absurd! If anything, the "greenest" approach would be to encourage us to release MORE CO2 into the atmosphere!

    The most sensible energy source on our planet is nuclear power. We truly could power almost EVERYTHING -- virtually for free! -- with nuclear fuel. We have the technology and the safeguards now to do so. Only the ignorance of the masses and the impedance of self-interested special-interests groups now prevent nuclear energy from replacing whole sectors of our energy economy and unleashing untold human expansion and progress. Nuclear is the cleanest, safest and most environmentally friendly source of energy known to man.
