Tuesday, May 24, 2016

One Way Only

“Voyeuristic. It's none of our business. There was no crime committed, no need to call police.”

I wish it were that easy. 

A liar would let such comments stand, give the wrong impression, and be a hypocrite. 

But I am not a hypocrite nor a liar.


Imagine a man driving down the road, doing his best to follow all the signs, to obey all the traffic rules, to keep all the laws of the land. After years of driving without incident (no doubt blessed for his obedience), he grows a little careless behind the wheel. He becomes distracted: by other drivers, screaming children in the backseat, boredom, fatigue, the cares of the world. 

He notices a traffic light ahead has turned yellow, but he senses no danger. He thinks he’s got plenty of time to make it. But, then, unexpectedly, the light turns red! He slam on his brakes! His momentum carries him into the intersection anyway. 

Now what?

He’s blocking traffic. Clearly he’s in violation of the law. He’s run a red light! He’s committed an infraction.

He rolls down his window, sheepishly waves to the other drivers he’s cut off, and mouths the words “I’m sorry.” He apologizes profusely to his fellow passengers, openly admits his fault, then steers his car out of harm’s way…humbled, even a bit traumatized, but strangely grateful, too, that it wasn’t much worse. 

It could have been much worse. 

He got lucky this time.

He could have been caught by the police!

He could have gotten a ticket!

He could have caused a terrible accident!! 

He could have even killed somebody!!!

But he wasn’t and he didn’t.

So now what?

Does he drive around the block (like he heard one General Authority do) and stop at that same intersection and traffic light just to prove he didn’t mean to run it the first time? 

Does he find the nearest cop and tell her what he did, and ask her to write him a ticket anyway? 

Does he look up the infraction in the rule book, write a confession, and send it in to the proper authorities, together with all the money he would have had to pay if he had been caught, including the outrageous administrative fee? (Surely then his conscience would be cleared!) But at what price? Wouldn’t his wife and children be that much poorer for it? Would hurting them be the “right” thing for him to do?

Does he call his insurance company and apprise them of his infraction, proving he’s a reckless driver, practically daring them to drop his coverage?

Does he contact the DMV and tell them they need to restrict or revoke his license? (How would he work? How would he support his family?)

Does he intentionally demolish his car in a staged accident — maybe even killing himself — to “pay the ultimate price,” to prove that he wasn’t trying to “get away” with anything, to “show the world” that he was, indeed, truly sorry for sliding into that intersection in violation of the law? 

Wouldn’t he be better off dead anyway? (The insurance payout alone would make his family rich!) Do his wife and children even love him? Do they even want to keep him around?

“Have you ever run a stop sign or failed to yield to a traffic light?” someone asks him. “Because, if you have, I’m going to turn you over to the police and have you prosecuted!”

Does he answer that question honestly, frankly and forthrightly, as he wants to? Or does he just “eat” it and remain silent, for the good of his loved ones? 


Or does he harden his heart and say, “Hey! I just got away with running a red light! I think I’ll try that again…and do it for as long as I can get away with it! Maybe I can push the limits even farther! Maybe I can start speeding up at yellow lights! And run more red ones!”


Now imagine you’re sitting at a red light. Your wife isn’t with you, keeping you company. She’s off doing her own thing. Your children are sleeping in the backseat. You’re very hungry and tired. And bored. You just want to get home…and be with your wife! But you’re “stuck” here…at this lonely intersection…waiting for a light to turn green that never seems to change.

Then someone pulls up behind you. 

A  much younger driver in a really hot sports car revs her engine. The light stays red. She shifts her transmission into "neutral" and pushes her gas pedal to the floor. “Vrooom! Vrooom!!” Her engine roars! You feel the adrenaline and the excitement! You look in your rearview mirror. “Man, I wish I had a beautiful, hot car like that! What a lot of fun that would be to drive!” The driver smiles at you, daring you to cross over the line and move forward.

You look both ways. No one’s coming. No one else is in sight! Who would ever know if you ran this red light? “Why are we waiting here patiently, wasting gas?” you ask yourself. “It’s so stupid!”

It’s just the two of you anyway. Sitting there. Waiting. Wasting your time. Impatiently. Waiting. To go for it. Wanting to go for it.

But you can’t. 

Not without breaking the law.

“VROOM! VROOM!” She honks her horn at you! She shifts her car into "drive" and nudges you a little with her bumper! She waves at you and beckons: “Go for it! Do it!" 

You can't believe your fortune, that this is happening to you!

And the light still doesn’t change.

“Damn it to hell!” you say to yourself. “This light’s never going to change! What am I waiting for?! Why am I still sitting here?!”

So…though you’ve never intentionally run a red light in your entire life…you say to yourself, “Oh, why not? What will it hurt anyone this time?” 

And you go for it.

You take your foot off the brake, give it a little gas, and barely cross over the line into the intersection.

Then you stop.

You have second thoughts! 

You say to yourself: “I can’t do this!! I swore I’d never do this! It’s wrong! I’m not going to do this!”

You try backing up.

But now more traffic has piled up behind you! Your wife calls you on your cell phone and asks you at that very moment: “Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? Why aren’t you home?” Your children wake up in the backseat and ask: “Daddy, why are we sitting in the middle of the road?  Who is that person in the red sports car, making all the noise? What are you doing with her?”

More importantly, what do you do now? You can’t go back! You can’t legally go forward! The light is still red! 

Do you go against the light?

To add insult to injury, the red sports car now blows by you in a blur of excitement and fury, the driver laughing as she spins her wheels in your face. (You say to yourself: “I’d give $50,000 to have a car like that and take her for a spin the way she does!”) 

But, early on, you chose to be the “good” driver. 

And now it eats at you. (You never should have looked in that rearview mirror!)

And now you’re a criminal. You’ve intentionally broken the law (even just a little). Now you’re sitting in the middle of an intersection. You don’t want to go forward! But you can't go back!

What to do?

If you’re honest and faithful, law abiding and obedient, what are your choices? What are your options?

“[B]y small and simple things [like this] are great [and terrible] things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.” (Alma 37:6).


  1. So you are comparing 'petafilia accusations' (your words, not mine) to running a red light? Are you kidding?

    There is nothing I can say to that. That is complete insanity.
    I would implore you to get some professional help to deal with these delusions and issues before more harm is done.

    Good Luck.

    1. Anonymous, I don't know you, nor do I know the author. The strange suppositions and derived meanings you have extrapolated are quite twisted. It makes one wonder what is tumbling through your grey matter. I suggest you speak with a professional.

  2. Anonymous,

    Those weren't my words; they were yours. (And you could learn how to spell!) I have NEVER been a pedophile.

    And while I am quietly sweeping my house clean of clutter, others (like yourself, apparently) are stocking up on gossip magazines, rolls of toilet paper and lighter fluid.

  3. 'petafilia accusations'

    Actually it is accurately defined as 'Petal-feel-ia' the almost overwhelming desire to put the petal to the metal and fly along the open roadways which are not prone to traffic lights. hehe

    1. Jokes about petafilia? Wow. I guess the saying is true, birds of a feather.

  4. "Petal to the metal" is an American slang about driving really fast. I thought that since he had mentioned a really cool red sports car, that a joke about driving fast might offer a bit of levity to the conversation. Honestly, get a good sense of humor or continue to be a lemon-sucker; you get to choose for you, but not for me. Lighten up, unless you are a victim of petafilia, then I offer you my condolences.

  5. It is a joke because the word is actually: pedophilia

  6. Thanks, Dox,
    I totally fell for that-- thinking that the spelling from the urban dictionary was exactly what Anon was referring to. Face palm.

  7. Joking about this topic? Amazing, just amazing.
    I now don't wonder so much about how the author of this blog can be so lost, by his own admission, with these types of people 'supporting' him.

    I would hope that the author of this blog can see these 'supporters' for what they truly are. People who feed off the pain of others.

    This is as far from Christ-Like and I have ever seen.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Unlike myself, you are unwilling to reveal your true identity here. Yet you keep trolling this site, throwing around accusations of abuse, pain, etc., without providing anything concrete or substantive for us to consider...just expressing your own incredulity, condemnation and disdain. Are these Christlike attributes for us to emulate?

      What did you get out of this essay/parable above? It applies to almost anyone who has ever succumbed to peer pressure or temptation. It doesn't apply, however, to those of us who are judgmental of others, who see themselves NOT as "fellow sinners" but only as "victims". Why? Because I have not written this essay from the perspective of a "victim," one who is powerless to change course, or as one who "condemns others." Rather, I have voiced the perspective of one who recognizes his own mistakes and wishes to correct them, but has difficulty doing so! Have you ever found YOURSELF in such a situation? I wonder.

      You both infer and imply on the part of many deep psychological, emotional and spiritual disorder. Why? You are clearly not my friend. Do you even know me? You criticize me and others for not taking seriously your pious (though opaque) accusations of abuse and victimization.

      I do not deny that I am a sinner. Is there any room in your cosmos for sinners like me? Is the gospel of Jesus Christ real, transformative, powerful, redeeming? Or is it just lip service for the hopelessly damned?

      I know those who say "I believe in Jesus Christ and His power to redeem," etc., but they will not let go of their own mistakes or the mistakes of others. They live in the past. They suffer grievances from the past. They will not forgive or forget the past. They will die in their own sins. For as we judge others, we will be judged.

  8. As always instead of looking inward and listening to anything anyone else has to say, you lash out. You do nothing but show how full of pride and guile you are. It is truly sad.
    I will not go into my own issues, as we all have some. Plus I am under no obligation to. You, on the other hand, profess all these things that you are, online, for everyone to see. Why? For redemption ? To cleanse your soul? I doubt it. It is for other reasons but only you know why.

    About being your friend. The issue is this, maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. It doesn't matter. You don't want a friend. You don't need friends. You want followers. You want people to pity you for the choices you have made. Sorry, but despite what you think, friends don't pity other friends. They try to help them. Then again, you can't expect friends to sit around and get their hand slapped away forever. I venture to say that is what your behavior has done all these years. Continuously slapped away the hands of 'friends' that have tried to help you.

    You put your life on display, don't be surprised when people start looking at it.

    You do nothing but hurt your family, from your own admission, from your past and continued actions. I don't know them, but I truly feel for them. If you think by doing this you are helping them, you are blind. If I could talk to you in person, I would venture to guess that you really don't care what this does to them. You just care about your own 'soul'. In the end, it is their suffering and hurt that is what you should be caring about, not cleansing your own soul. It is by helping them and saving them that will find the pathway to cleansing your own soul, not by trying to help yourself.

    I have not given up on you. You are a brother in Christ, and I care about you. The issue is that you don't want people to care about you. You want people to pity and help you wallow in your pain and hurt. I am sorry but that isn't what a friend does for another friend. That is not what I believe our Heavenly Father wants for us to do for each other.

    By the way, If you are asking me, in your question, if I have ever been in ‘such a situation’ as to ask if I have even been in a tempting situation for something. That is a silly question. If you are asking if I have ever been in the situation you have described above, pedophilia, hell no. I would never let myself be in those situations to be accused, nor do I have any of those desires. Once again, you miss the point of the whole conversation. Do not yell at people who are asking you questions on things you publicly write about, I am sorry but you do not have that right. You want things to not be asked, then I suggest you don’t write about them publicly.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      I will continue this dialogue (while ignoring your attacks) with this in mind...someone once said something to this effect: "Do not hate him who criticizes you, for you are far worse than he imagines."

      I believe that holds true for me. I am FAR WORSE than you imagine. (And I believe you are FAR WORSE than you imagine, too!) I pray we both have charity for each other, to cover a multitude of sins.

      I maintain this blog -- not for glory (there isn't any!) or for "followers" (I don't have any, hopefully) -- as a public service and open "experiment." We are told to confess our sins before our brethren and before the Lord. I want to share my experiences, good and bad, together with the subsequent results, so that everyone may be benefited (or warned) thereby.

      Have I not done my "job"? Have you not seen my successes AND failures? Have I not communicated clearly enough? Have I not prostrated myself sufficiently before you?

      As for slapping away my friends' hands, I think I understand what you mean. I have certainly resisted the aid and correction of others.

      But everything happens in its time. We can't be helped...until we can be. We cannot see...until we can see. Quite frankly, seeing one's own faults and weaknesses is among the most difficult of things for us to do. Our eyes are directed OUTWARD. They do not naturally look inward. Many times, the malfunctioning human mind is incapable of sensing its own dysfunction. (How can it, if it be broken?) If I have not understood or assimilated your correction, it is only because I couldn't. Maybe I can now.

      Saying that I "do nothing but hurt [my] family" is incorrect. I greatly bless my family. (There are several members of my family who, at the moment, do not recognize or fully appreciate my efforts or the blessings I provide them, but so be it.) When you say "you really don't care what this does to them," what do you mean? I care DEEPLY for my loved ones' "suffering and hurt." Why, then, would you think otherwise? What do you think is the best way for me to "help and save" them? Why do you think I am only "trying to help" myself?

      I admit that I have been hurt (very badly) and I've shared my pain (very publicly), even to my dishonor. I'm hurt! Can you not grieve with me, even if my wounds are self inflicted? Or must you pour coals on my head (as some have done)?

      Part of being humble is being teachable. I realize (even when I can't lay my finger on it just yet) that I am, probably, to some extent, at fault in most of my troubles. I realize (more now than ever) that I have done MANY things which have hurt others (sometimes gravely). That DOESN'T mean that I have ever INTENTIONALLY set out to hurt others. It just means that I'm HUMAN. (It is IMPOSSIBLE to go through this life for even a day or two without "offending" others. We all "poop." Even little babies.)

      It appears (even though I don't know who you are) that I have offended YOU!

    2. To Anonymous, continued...

      Apparently you missed my last question. I didn't ask if you have ever been tempted. That WOULD be a silly question. I asked if you are one who "recognizes his own mistakes and wishes to correct them, but has difficulty doing so." (If you don't recognize your own mistakes or if you have no difficulty correcting them, then I have nothing to offer you. Go in peace.)

      I never asked you if you were ever exposed to (or participated in) pedophilia. You "read that into" my parable. Human sexuality is complex and non-linear. We "evolve" at different rates and in different ways. Our experiences are very complex and multifaceted. Virtually ALL of us have been attracted to children, adolescents, and adults at different stages (and ages) of our lives. Some of us have been attracted to different people, even different sexes! That's because we are human, fallen, "natural" and imperfect. To some degree, we must accept and "embrace" our "fallen" nature and status. It comes with this world. We are human and therefore imperfect and NEEDING of redemption and perfection. (Those who acknowledge our common carnality but refute our innate potential for divinity -- and, thus, our NEED for a Savior -- do not accurately perceive our true circumstances or our potential.)

      The point of my story (above) was not to applaud those who belong to the "never once" club (as you do), but to demonstrate how, quite unexpectedly, the "unexpected" can catch us unawares, even captivate and capture us, when we think we are "safe."

      Jesus told us to be "wise as serpents" but "harmless as doves." Wisdom only comes by partaking of the forbidden fruit. Otherwise we are "blind." Boasting of one's "innocence" only exposes one's naivete. The "wise" know they are fallen and corrupt. They drop their stones, rather than throw them.

      I do not "yell" at those who ask questions. I answer them! I LIKE to answer questions. (I'm a teacher!) My writings here are my efforts to answer (correctly) as many questions as I can for as many people as are looking for (the right) answers. (I hope I have the right answers! If I don't, correct me!)

      If I err, I'm sorry. I do not represent myself as someone who should be "followed."

      Follow Christ.
