Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What is wanted?

I didn't realize I wasn't, essentially, alone. I thought the "movement" (if you can call it that) was a just a few "cranks" (like myself) being unfairly targeted by a rogue few who were "fulfilling their callings" by purifying their "stewardships" of perceived infidel "prophet-wannabes" rising up as Korihors to mislead the flock.

I never imagined that the LDS Church was systemically flawed.

Denver Snuffer is obviously at the tip of the spear. But he is not alone. Others have added their "second witness". And the list is growing.


A recent letter detailing the "whys" and "wherefores" almost perfectly frames the issues. (Thank you, Sister Allred, for your inspired contribution.)

I want to add that, for many of us, we have come to this conclusion independently. Unless the evil one is now going around telling people to come unto Christ, meet and embrace the Savior in the flesh, receive vital, saving ordinances from Him, be taught by angels and enter into the presence of God the Father -- and, consequently, some proceed to do it! -- then I'll go out on a limb here and say, "Yup! This is the work of the Lord!"

We don't have time to waste arguing over whether we know this Church is true.

We need to come unto Christ.


  1. Will,
    Thank you so very much! I was greatly uplifted and strengthened by Sis. Allred's letter! Oh that the church leaders might read and heed such messages! Unfortunately, now she will likely stand in jeopardy of receiving an "invitation" to meet with her stake president to discuss her membership in the church.
    Thank you to all those who are speaking out and speaking up.
    It has been made known to me that some are called to speak up and others are not (yet) called to that work.
    I testify of Christ, for I have seen Him. HE LIVES and HE IS REAL!
    Thank you Will for your inspiring blog.
    Your brother in the Lord,

  2. Will,

    Thanks for sharing your testimony and the letter from Jules. Although I knew some of what she wrote, I learned new things and she laid it out so perfectly with backing from the scriptures. Wow.


  3. No, you are not alone. There are those who believe there is a new sheriff in town. The new sheriff wants to teach us the Book of Mormon and how it brings us to Christ. Some of the town folk have been listening to the new sheriff for many years now. There is nothing wrong with the old sheriff, but the new one actually sounds like he knows Christ. And that is a good thing. Something that has been missing in the minds of some of the locals.

    Some folk also think that the work has been shifting to the real house of Israel. Some folk think that Patriarchal Priesthood is again being bestowed on the good guys. Some folk think Zion is commencing. I'm just saying, that's what some folk think. I think they're right.
